OMG I'm so sorry for the no show I had family over 😰
Plus sorry but my mic is broken so I won't talk😕
So no matter what I'm doing online still message me and I'll invite you to the kings fall raid 3:15 Chicago time thanks😄
Sorry I didn't show up I was busy so tonight at 3:15 Chicago time message me to join gamertag: Dovahderp99 just message me so I can invite you 😄
Only 16 people at a time can go to one tower... There are literally 1000s of towers.
Thanks for the no show. >:-/
There are many different world's in the tower. Why does nobody understand this. You can say meet in tower but people come to tower and not see you because they are on different world tower. Get what I'm saying.
Dude, you're a 289 Hunter with a Grimoire I had about 10 months ago. Let US help YOU with the raid. Lol
What's your gamer tag? And what time zone are we talking about.