originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
I'd really like some assistance in completing the Kings Fall raid from any who are willing to help!
same here
You are not on xbone so I can't help you. I would highly suggest watching a walkthrough on YouTube, you will still need in-game direction but it will make everything easier and be appreciated by your teammates. I noticed in your last raid you died 60 times (and it appears your main is a warlock)... Prioritize staying alive, even if you have self-res-- if you get below half health try to get to cover to regen, I've seen too many people wait until they're about to die to seek cover and and up not getting there in time. Also make sure you have a sniper going in (buy 1k stare from vanguard quartermaster or get one through the main quest line). Good luck.
msg me at Teemate need 3 more