originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
We would like to have 3 people message me soon for a fresh normal any class, any subclass, gamertag is the same.
Need 4 players to help with kings fall raid, I am a level 311 hunter with 304 titan
310 hunter need team for oryx gt dozyfurball
Need 4 for oryx cp, message me for invite gt same as above
328 Titan looking for quick fresh run gt same as above
Hello, I've moved this to #Recruitment for you for the reasons that Blade stated. #Help pertains more to technical issues, while #Recruitment is solely for finding Guardians for various means. I'd also advise you try those 3rd-party websites as well. They are pretty handy.
Hello, Spartan S284 I'd advise you to try http://www.destinylfg.com/ http://www.destinylfg.net/ http://destinytracker.com/destiny/lfg?system=xbone - Unfortunately #Help is for Tech/Gameplay issues, so I would recommend reposting in #Recruitment. (I doubt you'l have luck in Recruitment, so I'd recommend LFGs.) Have a good day.