originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Edited by Diamond_breezy: 1/11/2015 2:48:28 AMdoing vog on hard from the beginning Level 31 Titan with a level 31 hunter (PS4)
Starting a raid team for a fresh raid we have a lvl 31 hunter and titan add me penjalum11
Lfg fresh vog hard Lvl 31 titan Psn: markjayson197
I have atheon hard checkpoint, need 5 experienced to do a quick run. PS4: EM_79
Edited by West cAOst: 1/10/2015 11:54:41 PMLEVEL 31 HUNTER FOR VOG HARD PS4 PSN: SCOTTCJ
4lvl 30 and 1 31 search 1player Add m397222
Search 3 people just write Add m397222
4 lvl 30 1/2 search 2 players for vog hard!! Add psn jonkeburli
Looking for a fresh vog hard or looking for 5 people to do a fresh vog hard im a 29 titan with weapons of light gamertag GTInut
Ps4 lvl 30 titan with maxed raidweapons is lf for a fresh or oracles cp vog hard raid psn earthcrisis79
Guys that respondedor add me vog hard
Lvl 31 hunter with gatekeeper cp. Scuba715.
Lvl 31 subsinger warlock lfg psn r0giertjj
Looking to do the raid right now need three. Fresh start Add me Shenzi39
Need 4 people for a hard raid fresh start gametag GTInut
Edited by GTInut: 1/10/2015 12:39:27 AMNo comment
Ps4 lvl 31 Hunter with maxed raidweapons is lf for a fresh vog hard raid psn earthcrisis79
Lvl 31 sunsinger warlock lfg
Anyone doing vog on hard from the beginning or willing to start a vog firetrap? Level 30 hunter for PS4
Lvl 31 hunter looking for VOG reg or hard. Also looking for Crota. Have mic.
Looking to run this tonight hard mode
Anyone raiding ?
Anyone want to run VOG hard? Cuz I do! Lvl 31 warlock Fedable
I want to play vog hard. You need an extra 31 member? Titan/vex/hammer
I am currently hosting vog hard mode on atheon checkpoint. I need guys that know what their doing so i can finish. I am a lvl 31 warlock Minimum lvl 31 and mic required. Add and join.
fresh vog run on Hard need 5 level 30 or higher only with experience Psn: duddeyuhfail