originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Edited by LetJet: 11/29/2014 1:31:43 AMLvL 26 hunter looking for help with VoG. Haven't done this yet but I have a mic and I'm ready to learn what to do. PSN: letjet99
Hey guys, lvl 28 warlock here and want to do a raid fresh normal. We have 3 people, have raid weapons and know how to use the relic. Looking for 3 more people who know what to do with the raid. Add me on ps4, NIGHTxWOLF888
Ps3 Raid normal atheon save level 26+ only (MUST HAVE MIC) psn: oLair-HD players need: 4-5 (Must know what you are doing and im not a relic holder
Need a VOG team to do Atheon i have checkpoint LvL 29 hunter add Maxumi-1
Hard raid 29 are above. Thanks :-)
Anyone with an Atheon checkpoint on HARD please add me, SquallBLi.
Lvl 27 Warlock w/ experience looking for a team
Hard raid anyone? Add SquallBLi
Level 28 hunter looking for a raid team, I have experience, add me PSN is the same as up there ^^
VOG normal fresh lvl 29 hunter 4 spots left add maxumi-1
Edited by javivice135: 11/29/2014 3:57:06 AMLvl 28 warlock down for anything even helping others add me and let's play
Lvl 28 warlock needing 5 people for normal run fresh start. Psn jackdanials1989
Hi everyone, me and my friend have a serious problem with completing hard raid, we're both 29, and need help from some experienced hard raiders, got stuck at gatekeeper, add Amito_Nya
Edited by The Trojan Horse: 11/27/2014 7:16:19 PMLooking for team to do hard raid, at gatekeeper, level 30 or high 29 (I.e. Have upgraded raid/iron banner armour.) just add me, SquallBLi. 2 slots
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: 29 Titan need raid gear add me for reg ps3 : combs11 Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote]
Lf 5 people for vog normal i have gatekeeper cp. Lvl 28 hunter ps3. Psn nuggs4284
Need help finishing the raid for first time on normal at gatekeeper. Level 28 hunter. Any help would be great
if anyone is doing the VoG on hard please invite me I'm lvl 28 warlock ready for action :) PSN- Tyrone_Sheeit
Edited by Deathlocked81: 11/27/2014 4:20:05 AMAnyone want to help me do the raid I've never been able to beat it I'm a lvl 27 hunter there's 5 open slots add me Deathlocked81 on ps3
Codedre69 Raid from start here Warlock 28 Hunter 29
Lvl 29 warlock looking for full vog add me garyd_12 must have mic lvl 27+
Looking for group to do raid lvl 26 Titan I have a mic
2 Spots open for Vog Raid 29+ Atheon Part Ps3- Tyrone_Sheeit Add me quick before spots fill
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote] Darkarthekhajiit
Someone invite me to Raid please I'm really bored lvl 27 warlock with mic if needed PSN- Tyrone_Sheeit
Need help on ps4 raid add me firepaw_jr