originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
fresh vog run on Hard need 5 level 30 or higher only with experience Psn: duddeyuhfail
Need a titan and 2 other people for atheons checkpoint on hard lvl 30s add me RIMPORTRACER05 PS4
Lfg fresh run on hard add PainTrain05
Looking for a fresh normal run on vog or gatekeeper checkpoint psnLcm0009
Anone wanna do atheon hard cp
Lfg Vog on hard I'm lvl 31 titan add PainTrain05
Looking for 5 level 30 warlock, fresh start add S_badge
Looking for team. Plenty of experience. Send me invite with VOG in message. Rickmyralls psn id
Need 1 vog hard need mike exp team gate keeper cp add chefftop999
Looking to join any group Lvl:30 hunter Ps4 : Dead-pool005
looking to join a group with the gorgons cp
Level 30 hunter, got a level 29 hunter friend. We want to do VOG on normal or hard. ID is Lightning8201 & friend is LightningH4wk64
Anyone tryna do vog on hard? Add me xxoluisoxx
Ps4 lvl 31 Hunter with maxed raidweapons is lf for a fresh vog hard raid psn earthcrisis79
Fresh start on VOG hard looking for 4 level 30, add either S_badge or Tigrex_Timer
Need 2 people now for atheon checkpoint add Helljumper932
I'm looking to do the vog at 9:30ish gmt my psn is jelly_man1986 add me if you want to join
Looking for invite plz
Need atheon checkpoint on hard. Lvl 32 hunter, lots of experience. Psn mightypervertus
fresh start on vog level 30 and up only add me psn: Derenikian
Lvl 31 warlock need help raiding both raids add me ps4- Catano321
I'm a lvl 29 warlock. If anyone needs extra for V.o.G message or inv to party Sao_Overfly
Need atheon checkpoint on hard. Lots of experience Psn mightypervertus
Add for vog hard pdc009
3 LF VoG hard
LFG to do Vog hard. Must be experienced. And I don't mean that you have done Vog regular, I mean experience like you have done Vog hard 30 times.... I don't want this so take more then 50 minutes.