originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
LFG to do Vog hard. Must be experienced. And I don't mean that you have done Vog regular, I mean experience like you have done Vog hard 30 times.... I don't want this so take more then 50 minutes.
Looking for experienced team for Vog Hard. Add saintfreshness. Wanna knock it over in about half hour.
bull_noob 30 lock soundsmack9001 31 titan cationicburrito 29 lock add us all
4 open slots, atheon checkpoint. MUST HAVE experience, mic, good weapons, and a lvl 30 character. PSN is RAGE_Narwhal
looking to do vog hard need 5 players lvl30+ and experienced will be doing it around 12 Pacific time message if interested psn Maton_Victorio
Need 2 for raid Add me Psn:magic_poo241 In lvl 32 hunter Btw we all have mics
need 1 for fresh vog Add Kurutie asap
Need 2 at Atheon hard msg MONSTEROFMD
Edited by Shadow_Aura_888: 1/5/2015 1:20:46 AMI have atheon checkpoint on hard mode, looking for 4 experienced players to beat this today lvl 30 hunter add me on NIGHTxWOLF888 ps4
Lvl 31 warlock psn kamikazems
Need two experienced guardians to do fresh VOG hard 29 level or higher
Need 4 for VoG on hard at atheon checkpoint
LFG VOG atheon CP Add PS4 Worlddude_14806 lv 31 Titan
Fresh vault of glass raid on hard with level 30 warlock
Got checkpoints for vog hard atheon and Crotas end at crota level 31 Titan (ps4)
Looking for 5 more people. Atheon cp. Add: Arecca26
L31 Titan with Gatekeeper CP on Hard looking to finish the raid. Experienced players let me know, want to be quick and get it finished
Ps4 lvl 30 Warlock with maxed raidweapons is lf for a fresh vog hard raid psn earthcrisis79
Have a 30 Titan. Want to do a fresh raid. Message bassler18.
Edited by Highmark34: 1/4/2015 4:47:17 PMi need 3 more for atheon checkpoint
Need 5 to do the vog lv30 at the final stage Atheon. Ps4: chancex6 Warlock lv 31
need 5 for Gatekeeper cp on hard level 30s+ add me psn: duddeyuhfail
LFG to run a fresh Crota and/or VoG run on hardest difficulties. Add AskylasMyuga on PS4
Need 2 more for hard raid fresh start levels 30s and up psn: duddeyuhfail
Edited by chancex6: 1/4/2015 4:03:18 AMNeed 5 to do the vog lv30 at the final stage Atheon. Ps4: chancex6 Warlock lv 31