originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Edited by lethal sniper4: 11/7/2014 12:21:54 AMLooking for guys to do the VoG all the way I'm a level 27 Warlock Reply here 5 spots open
Level 29 warlock looking to raid on normal. Hit me up if you need 1. GT same as my name here.
Any on on here doing the raid this morning need to run normal on my titian and hunter lvl 28 need to run hard on my warlock lvl29
Plz join sunsinger warlock to push Atheon off GAMERTAG EnderKing305
28 warlock looking for raid group.
Looking for a raid with 2 spots open. 29 Titan and 28 hunter. Gt- jetobond
Looking for players to help on weekly strike.... Gt same as name
12th Clan Gt=xDa1bomb3x Xbox 360 Pacific standard time
LFG for vog normal Lvl 26 hunt 360 Gt same as name
Looking for VoG HARD team lvl 28 warlock GT:Koossy
Lvl 29 warlock I also would like to do it with my 26 titan message me
Need 5 to finish raid on normal, at gatekeeper checkpoint, all are welcome atleast lvl 26, I'm a lvl 28 hunter message me to join gt is court jester 082
Looking to do raid now, at gate keeper messages to Join gt is same as user name
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote] IM AT ATHEON CHECKPOINT PLZ JOIN
I have gatekeeper checkpoint, looking for 5 to help finish the raid on normal, I'm A lvl 28 hunter. Doing it In about 4 hours. Gt is court jester082
I'm a level 27 warlock that has never done a raid so I'd be super happy if you and your crew could help me I'd love to start from the beginning to gain extra look an the skills of moving through the raid :) thank you
Forgot to give my gamer tag: FullMtlGtar412
Hey all: looking for 4 people to do normal raid. My friend and I are hoping for individuals who have been through at least once, but all are welcome. As for my last post, I did not realize my friend was recruiting randoms from the tower. So for those who asked me to add them and i didn't realize I'm sorry. I got your messages after we started :/ Thanks!
Level 28 warlock looking for fresh start. I have a mic
Lvl 28 hunter looking for vog normal
Need help with raid GT quickscopeh
Vog from the beginning looking for a group m lvl 29
Doing raid with 26+ were at aethon need 2 :)
Level: 27 Class: titian Subclass: defender Mic: yes Looking for lv 27 and above to do vog on lv26 on checkpoint of atheaon. Message now need 5 people :(
need help beating Atheon gt CourtingMold1
I've got gatekeeper cp on raid, need 5 to help message court jester082 or add me on xbox 360