originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Need one for vog hard raid, at templar. Psn-NaborsCW
Vog fresh. Level 30 titan and hunter. Message chickensnack1
Fresh VoG hard lfg 3 open spots PSN Rolfolgar
Lfg Fresh VoG Hard Lvl 30 titan Psn: markjayson197
Looking for Atheon Checkpoint :level 31 friend bonster01
31 Titan to run vault if a team needs help AaronDPT
Looking to run VoG HM. Have experience
Looking for 2 more lvl 30+ for VOG hard
ps4 VOG experienced 30+ only fast run Add teddysnipeii
VOG HARD 31 skilled have 2 people with me 30 and 31
Lvl 31 titan looking to do raid plz add pdc009
Lvl 31 warlock vog hard. Need team! Psn rickdyckulus
Edited by TeaCupp: 12/25/2014 6:47:13 PM2 level 30's looking to start VOG Hard between now and 3pm est. Willing to join party or start one. Psn:Tea_Cupp
[quote][b]REQUIRED LVL 29 OR HIGHER AND A MIC[/b] comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote] 30 need vog hard fresh and finish a the on checkpoint
31 warlock with experience and maxed icebreaker looking for hard mode at oracles or Templar. Cluke66214
Lfg vog lvl 31 hunter psn joker3269
VOG HARD NEED 3 MORE, we all are 31 add Mr FTWSOLDIER04 ps4
Edited by TeaCupp: 12/28/2014 12:07:36 AM
Ps4 lvl 30 Warlock with maxed out raidweapons is lf for a fresh vog hard raid psn earthcrisis79
LFG for atheon CP on hard. Will also take normal raid from start. Lvl30 hunter. Have mic. Scuba715.
can I join?
Need one more for VoG HM
Lf vog lvl 31 hunter psn joker3269
Running fresh VoG Hard. got a lvl 31 and 30. PSN: VILLA117G
Lvl 31 Titan looking for Atheon hard mode cp psn Nelly_P84