originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
looking For a team for Vog I'm a lvl 29 hunter n no kids please can't stand listing to arguing who's better with the relic lol
Doing vault from start to finish, need 4 people level 27+ message me or add me ASAP gt: yo ATLAS, raid will be starting in less then 30 minutes make sure you get your spot !
Quick question, I've done the raid on normal about 100 times but I need a good crew to run through it on hard with. Do yous do a hard playthrough or no? If so Id appreciate it. I'm XTellGodIReignX on Xbox 360.
lvl26 warlock have mic gamertag>>Jropped
What up level 28 warlock with mic can use relic ready ASAP
Nvm now
I need a fire team for VOG HIT ME UP AT baw96
Level 27 warlock looking for players to do the vault have never gotten past the templar gamer tag:lethal sniper4
Got antheon checkpoint for the VOG on normal looking to form a team send me a message for an invite GT: LikeaBoss9785
Looking for one more for last boas normal 27 pulse. Experience preferred need a Mic unless super skilled Xbox message sir crankshaft
Level 26 warlock have never done the raid have 5 spots open
lvl 28 hunter looking for raid mates msg for invite GT same as name
Fresh VOG noob raider but I'm a level 28 Warlock I need 5 others level 26+ please.
Need 2 more for gatekeeper VoG on normal.. Message: Arrchon... for the invite
Looking to Join a Raid! Lvl27 Warlock Gt Bob Smith420 HMU!!
Looking for invite for VoG fresh on normal. Lv 28 warlock xb360 GT is same
Level 30 Titan looking for strictly level 30 players to preform the flawless raider achievement. GT: GivenMrMeaty. Send a message across Xbox of your class and subclass. I'm in eastern time Raid will begin as soon as I get a full fire team of level 30's. Will not do unnecessary routes or chest locations in account to avoid deaths. Difficulty (Normal)
Putting a group together! Have 3... Need 3 more!
Does anyone wanna do the vault of glass ? I'm lvl 26 hunter.
lvl 27 hunter looking for vog on normal, atheon checkpoint
Have room for another two Both of us are level 28 hunter Gt:xArt Logic
Need a group for normal raid fresh start lvl 28 titan gt is the same as name message me for invite
Need 1 more for full run VOG normal lvl 26+
Can i help 27 warlock
lookin to raid 27 titan