originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
lookin to raid 27 titan
I'm a level 25 warlock can I help for vog send me a message if so. My gamer tag is beardeddragoncd
Level 28 warlock looking for VOG raid. GT is same as name!
Edited by Jarods: 10/31/2014 11:38:33 PMLvl 28 hunter looking for a raid group First time but willing to learn GT: Jarodx4 Lmk
LV 29 hunter looking for fresh VoG run GT J Quay
I need 5 level 26 at least I'm at Athlon my gamer tag is THEJACKALTKD send me a message if you want a invite
Looking to do raid and night fall 28+ pls gt same as name
Level 28 warlock, mic looking for gatekeeper save preff will run whole raid need group ASAP!
Looking to do vog i have mic we need 2-3 people first time help plz on saturday preferabbly
Level 28 titan wanting to do VOG message XxBLUESMACKOxX thanks
BTW xbox 360
Looking for a few more people to do VoG message me at XaLe XrAyZ
Edited by sikebro: 10/31/2014 10:00:58 PMsorry guys wrong console
anyone running VOG ??
Need help with hard raid gt karm replay need three more people
Add me HYDRA Au to do raid
Lvl 26 hunter with gjallahorn and mic freakyfries1956 is my gt
Ace Whiteyy Hunter LVL 28 Have Mic Looking for VOG team
Edited by Keldeij: 10/31/2014 7:52:53 PMKeldeij Warlock 27 Yes I have a mic Need 5
My gamer tag is beardeddragoncd so friend me for the raid.
Anybody need a person for vog. I'm a level 25 warlock.
Experienced at VoG. Need team Lvl 28 Hunter. Send me an invite or msg me! GT: KG Muck Fizzou
Vog Need 2 more people Atheon checkpoint Need 27+ Mic preferred Gt- Soapy Seahorse
29 hunter looking for any checkpoint or fresh. GT: Batt atat tat
2 more spots