originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
2 more spots
Im doing it on 360
[5] slots open for gatekeepers
haven't done the vog yet looking for a raid group gt same 28 titan
Need 3 more for a fresh vog group comment for inv. G.T. "R3ap wrath"
GT: Jobify Class: warlock Level: 27 I do have a mic. Xbox 360 inv me
GT: ticklebearz Level 28 warlock lfg VOG normal Both specs max Have mic
Starting vog normal from beginning raid team. 2 people already. Message me if interested. GT: Mist Of Water
Need 4 more people for the vog on normal. Have a lvl 29 hunter and 27 warlock. Just join gt: INVISIBL3 KILL
Looking to join a raid, preferably from the start. Also I've never completed it before
Looking for a squad to do the vog normal. Got a level 29 hunter. Preferably starting from the beginning
I've got Lvl 28 hunter and a lvl 27 Titan looking for people to run VOG on Normal with either Gamertag "Mnlejeune19"
Lvl 27 hunter looking for vog on normal Gamertag: FlabyPenguin
27 lock looking for fresh vog on normal. Xbox360 DM MaZari Very experienced with shield and what not.
Looking for Raid group. Lvl 28 Hunter, have ran the raid before. Send me an invite! Gamertag: KG Muck Fizzou
Lfg 27 warlock on Xbox 360, first time
Looking to play the raid need 5 peopel on normal. 27+ with mic Message:jakeboss2001
Looking for a normal VOG level 28 warlock. GT: DYLANxISxBEAST
Looking For A Group For Raid Run First Time Through, Xbox 360 GT: DubbSation Lvl 26 Hunter + Mic
got 2 lvl 28+'s looking for fresh normal raid GT as username message me if you have room
Looking for 2 people lv 26 or higher for the weekly heroic strike! send a message if you're interested to "aTasteyNip"
Lvl 26 warlock, 5 open slots, raid normal: SciFiAddict42
Looking for a team to do the raid I am lvl 29 titan game tag bloodysparta7
Anyone... I need help with xyor the unwed. Please!! GT is the same name above
http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/482924 King's Requiem 27+ 105+ members xbox 360 only over 10 lvl 30s active, daily crucible(seriously), Raid + Hard Raids
VOG anybody?