originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
Since finding a fireteam in Destiny is arguably harder than everything combined with time zones and everything, anybody willing to do it on the 28th April around 4:15PM GMT? Light level is 306.
Need 3 for KFHM need hunters and locks 325 light
need 4 for golg CP inv or msg Edge is ToxiiC for inv XBOX 1
334 Hunter looking for totems cp or fresh , teams 320+ inv only. Inv Dredmere
Need 4 more for fresh run, message me for invite gt same as above, no scrubs!!
Group of 2 LFG. My buddy and I are levels 317 and 314. We have beaten the raid once. We are OG players that are trying get back into the game. So help would be appreciated! Please message or invite reputedgangsta5 or Mr Rager214
Need 5 320+ for golgoroth must be good don't suck or ur getting kicked
Need one at daughters, must have Mic and know what they are doing. Please message me.
Need 5 320+ for golgoroth must be good don't suck or ur getting kicked
Need 1 328 + at
Need 4 for warpriest cp must be 320+
Need 2 for sisters 320+ Msg for inv
Need 1 person for oryx cp on hard. 318+. NO NOOBS! GT ^^^
Oryx cp hard mode Xbox one 310+ need 1 experienced and with mics message FallenRocket431 for invite
Need 2 for daughters Xbox one normal please know what you are doing Message me aKa TMariee
Need 5 for fresh hard kings fall, 330+, need 2 Titans 2 warlocks and 1 hunter, message me on xbox one with light and class for invite, HydroPhantom
Need 1 for oryx Please know what to do Msg Drizzy492
Need 5 for fresh message class and light gt same as above
Oryx cp hard mode Xbox one 310+ need 4 experienced and with mics message FallenRocket431 for invite
320 Titan looking to do kings fall hard either fresh or totems. Gt above
Oryx cp hard mode Xbox one 310+ need 4 experienced and with mics message FallenRocket431 for invite
Need 1 320+ for golgoroth must not suck
Oryx cp hard mode Xbox one 310+ need 4 experienced and with mics message FallenRocket431 for invite
Edited by IDI0TEK: 4/28/2016 1:18:40 AM
LF group. 332 Warlock. Have experience with raid. Beaten all challenges. Will do fresh run, but Totems CP preferred. invite in game. GT same as above
Need 1 hard warpreist
Need 3 for oryx cp hard, 16 bomb strat, msg crazy caid