originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Anyone willing to create a VoG group with me or have any extra slots I am a Level 26 Hunter my GamerTag is( Smoke NoQuarter )
We have 5 players looking for a 6th player need to be a Titan
Need people for the raid. I got checkpoint at the portals before atheon. On normal. I want to get it done to be familiar with that part. So, help a raider out! GT is same as here.
RAID with 4 open slots gamer tag: a Savory Banana were at Atheon checkpoint
3 experienced raiders looking for 3 more. MSG back.
have no friends and really want raid gear anyone have 5 people to do vault of glass?
want to do VoG 27 defender titan
Looking for 3 people to do the raid with looking for lvl 27 and up we have 2 hunters and a warlock add me if interested @HellaDweedDucky On Xbox one
I would like to do a run through please. Level 28//warlock//sunslinger Venomofdecay420
Stuck on Atheon. Been getting bad teams. Any warlocks available to just push him off? Have grown impatient lol
Edited by Stop Hillary: 10/25/2014 7:56:41 PMHosting VoG looking for 4 players must be above 27 message me if interested
I got the 2nd to last checkpoint for the raid. Just need 5 peeps to finish. I haven't gone past that point so people that know what to do.
working on exotic bounty for handcanon if you are struggeling with last boss add me and we'll coop
I need 1 person to do the nightfall strike with me! GT VxG NePO
Looking to do the raid we need 4 more were starting soon so put ur GT down there and I'll contact all of u rn
Edited by TrvllJosh: 10/25/2014 4:57:50 PMI need 3 people for the raid lvl 27 + My gamertag is scenicsleet4
I need 2 more people lvl 28 and up please join!!!
Lv 26 hunter starting group for first time run needing 5 players my tag is justitine30
Looking for a team Hunter level 28 Gt: Gay Liberal
starting VoG raid 5 different replys and i withh invite include lvl class and gametag
Invite me level 27 hunter
invite me (GT: Jakemau5 28) level 27 hunter 4 shot golden gun and I know how to do everything
Need 2 more people for the VOG normal we are staring at the Templar we need a warlock above 26 and either a Titan or Hunter
I will be hosting VOG on 360 when i have enough people,must have headset and above level 26 message me @WarrantedMango9
Need one for VOG raid, save CP at Atheon. Msg me GT same as name
I have a group of 5 people if someone wants to help us. Gt: INVISIBL3 KILL