originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Lvl 30 hunter looking to do raid or vog. I'm game for anything Psn Rich_Porter617
cheesing crota 4 open slots Ps4 PsnKILLAMILLA103
alien70OR PS4 warlock 31 (also have hunter 30, titan 30) first time crota, second time atheon (not finished the atheon itself) maxed weapons (thorn 300, praedyth revenge 300) have mic any raid, any group, would be nice if at least one member had experience and could give commands
I'm a lvl 26 Titan who hasn't raided before. I would like to be able to raid soon and need some help getting through it. Drop your PSN's below (Ps4) please :)
Raid with 5 open slots PS4 add BasedCJay
I'm a (lvl 31) Titan looking for an experienced group to join to do the full run on Crotas End, cheese or no cheese. Add Picard79
Hosting a fresh raid group we have a 2 lvl 31 hunters add me penjalum11
Looking for 3 more to run final boss on Crota's End psn Nelly_P84
Looking for ppl to do any 6 man raid
Edited by GTInut: 1/10/2015 11:30:22 PMNeed people for a song of death save and after we can cheese crota gamer tag GTInut
Ps4 need 4 people cheesing crota
LFG for crota.. only done it once so i'm still getting the hang of it. help is appreciated psn: rnbkingz 31 titan
31 Titan lf fresh run
Looking for 2 more people psn suicidalbunny119
Looking for fresh crota lvl 31 hunter invite me mwm984
Looking for Fresh Crota add Surfermafia L31 Titan
4 level 31s looking for 2 more to help with crota fresh run. Haven't done it before so would appreciate some help.
Looking for a group to do raid Lvl30 Titan Add me if you have a spot open harleyhorton5_
Looking for a group of people to cheese crota in an hour psn: suicidalbunny119
3 slots open. Add me blondink14
Edited by GTInut: 1/10/2015 3:36:24 PMI Got a save what to cheese crota add me GTInut
Lfg fresh Crotas end Lvl 31 titan Psn: markjayson197
LFG for crota.. done it only once. still learning. lvl 31 titan psn: rnbkingz would appreciate if someone helps out to teach. still learning
Got a Death singer check point need 5 people for the raid. PSN: DREXPLOSIV324 Warlock level 31 I'm experienced
Looking to do fresh run on Crota tonight. 4 slots open. Respond or message on ps2 if interested