Looking to do fresh run on Crota tonight. 4 slots open. Respond or message on ps2 if interested
Need 5 for a crota checkpoint psn: duddeyuhfail level 31s and up that have experience
[quote][b]REQUIRED LVL 30 OR HIGHER AND A MIC[/b] comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote] hey I'm level 31 always looking for raid people Lyndon2154
Want to do Crotas End all the way through! Let me know if interested!
Lookin to start fresh crota need 4 more PSN moatoncheese
31 Hunter looking for Crota raid. I have final boss checkpoint or will help from start with experienced group. Trying to learn fights with no cheese.
Edited by SEALEDKYUUBI: 1/9/2015 9:33:20 PMLevel 30 Titan. New to Crota but have a mic and willing to learn. PSN SealedKyuubi and can go asap.
Crotas fresh start someone help do first two parts, add S_badge
Crotas end 4 open slots 30+ ir yut cp already have 30 Titan and 31 hunter
I want to play Crota's end. You need an extra 31 member? I Will play from start or use my save in the end.
We need 2 level 30's or higher Crota reg
Need 3 ppl for the crota raid end add psn hamdhana
Looking to join a raid ps4 "Anklebreaker1912" level 30 hunter
Anyone about to do or is in Crota's End raid and need one more I'm a lvl 31 Titan my psn is Nelly_P84
Crota checkpoint add bashax-style only 3 slots up so hurry
Need 3 more for Crota raid CP near end join OtobiasO
Need 3 more for Crota raid co.
I have a Crotas cp add me penjalum11
Edited by RestlessAura: 1/6/2015 5:11:55 PM
Started a new topic: VOG anyone? PS4(16 Replies))
Started a new topic: Crota's end Raid from crota checkpoint(1 Reply)
Onslaught2369 I have lev 31 warlock ps4
Lvl 31 titan looking for crota's end. Ps4 TRPPYMANE88
Willing to do Raid Any open slots? "xo_grant" level 30 hunter
Lvl31 warlock and 30 titan looking to do crota on Ps4 psn is Maton_Victorio
Got crota checkpoint need 4 more PSN moatoncheese
Looking for 4 people for crota checkpoint add walsh1234