originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
I need help on crota hard from beginning im a hunter lvl 32 gamer tag: xX-_kobebell_-Xx
Hi, I'm a level 29 Hunter on PS4 and I'm looking for anyone who can help me with Crota or/and VOG in normal, but in hard mode eventually.
Looking to start crota raid normal fresh anybody want to join add me ps4 lvl 31 warlock
Psn: yakuza1chi PS4 Looking to join existing teams to raid. Ideally Crota Hard or normal as I'm trying to get more of that raid's gear. I have two level 32 Titans and a headset mic. I have done Crota before so I know what to expect, but looking to get even better. I have my head together and have your back. I'll also run Nightfalls with you. Thanks! Psn: yakuza1chi
New to ps4... All my friends I do raid with have PS3 soooo I'm looking for people to do raid with Codedre69 Hunter 32 Warlock 31 Titan 30 Have all the gear to need to level them up
Lvl 30 warlock, void walker. On destiny most days add me. Always willing to join fire teams Gdyeomans on PS4
Add me: Hieronimus54 Looking for group to play with
I'm a PS4 Lvl 29 warlock looking to learn Crota normal or VoG HM. I stopped playing just after crota's release and could use some help catching up on the changes. Have a mic. PS4/Psn: Nedaryn
Im in for crota or vog , psn jona212 , warlock level 31
New to PS4,warlock 31;up for raids,crota,...do have a mic.add me or mesg me @ Gearz115
Anyone that can help me im lvl 30 i want to do crota 33 on ps4 gamertag Doble_TrobleB20
Need 5 people to do crota I have level 31 titan add me Beast_king_BKG
LF5M Invite to party
Need help crota cp need 5 people who can help and a sword bearer level 31 warlock add LEWKAS-006 or name below
Edited by joedagreat1: 4/24/2015 3:39:06 PMWe are looking for people in the UK, Canada, Anerica, and Australia to join DaGreatness clan. Don't matter what's your skill level is we will work with you on them also teach you things in both pve and pvp. Go to Bungie.net and search DaGreatness thank you all and have a bless day!
It's tough to find a group to run with on regular basis. We've all been there. I can help with both raids and weekly nightfall. Friend me with subject "gotta minute?". I have 3 32s. If you see me running random missions, invite me and I'll help when I can.
Need three for fresh Normal Croat raid. First time doing it any help will be appreciated. Psn eckoworm10
Hey everyone looking to join a Crota raid on hard if any one needs a guy I'm in need of more raid gear for my warlock and need more shards
Hi i am looking for a group to help with crota hm. I've completed vog and crota both on hard several times and have mic. I have gjallahorn to use but not a sword bearer. Add me to raid when I'm on: badbatz
Warlock, 31, good weapons, looking for Crota Normal, 2:45 PST, send me an invite!
30 titan (have mic) looking for Crota NM group. I should be on after my morning Dr's appointment and throughout the day. I'm a noob, never done it before and looking to get taught the ropes.
level 32 warlock have mic
im level 30 and I have a mic
Raid With [5] open slots psn: "nigel_the_mole" (or just add me to existing group??) Never done raid yet, but this looks like the right group to teach one all of the details. Level 31 Hunter. Have mic/headset. Don't know how active this group is, nor how long it takes to get enough people together, but how about tomorrow (wednesday the 15th), after 5pm Pacific? I'll be on then with the 2-3 hours requested in the group details/about. Cheers!
How do I join the big chat