originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
lvl 30 hunter looking to do the raid have the templar checkpoint but willing to restart if needed
Have vog hard gatekeeper checkpoint trying to get it finished
2 lvl 29 Warlocks need help with the hard raid
Need 1 more lvl 30 for VOG hard raid.
Need a level 30 for hard wait
2 lvl 29 Warlocks need help with the raid hard
Need 3 lvl 30s for VOG hard. Have 3 lvl 29s with a lot of experience and great gear.
level 30 warlock LF templar hard mode Psn: marnixaap
Looking to do the hard raid today. HMU on ps4 if you need anyone
2 lvl 29 Warlocks lfg hard
Creating new group for vog hard!! Need lvl 30's to go for a smooth run!! Lvl 30 lock here with maxed weapons add miditri psplus.. This will be a fresh run btw
Lvl 30 Warlock looking for 3 more players for aetheon hard checkpoint..
Level 30 warlock Lf Atheon hard mode Maxed all weapon Psn: laraylena
I get off work today about 3:30p.m. I'm a lvl 29 Titan my psn is Nelly_P84 I want to know would someone be willing to run raid hard mode with me
5 players looking for 1 30 we already have 2 on hard atheon checkpoint add CrunchyTissue
Need to do hard raid doesn't matter what CP. Lvl 29 but have done several times on hard. Add caution05
Need 3 level 30 with experience on hard mode pm karnage_187_ Ps. We are experienced on hard mode we need 3 players ASAP
Hey guys I wanne make a fresh hard raid in 1 houre Full of 30 and i need a fee more only 30 Add my el_vincencio I am not online atm but i wil in an houre so add me ps4 want a nice and easy run
Lvl 29 warlock. Very experienced. Looking for fresh start/ will help with anything. Add xxivionstrousxx
Need 1 30 for hard. Leave name in comment will send invite
I have atheon hard mode cp, need 4 lvl30's and 1 29 psn: jtactics05
Want to do hard VoG have two need 4 more. Psn l_AM_BATMAN with a lower case L
level 30 hunter have 3 other 30's looking for atheon checkpoint
Lvl 30 fresh start hard raid add me
Horrid_Jok3r 29 1/2 Adomomay 30
Need to do hard raid any check point or fresh. Add caution05