originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Need level 30 hard mode VoG PS4 ASAAAAAAAAAP Add DAT_THUG_TROOPZ
Level 30 warlock looking for fresh run on hard. Psn Fluffy0107
Lvl 30 warlock looking to join a hard raid. I have the gorgon maze checkpoint also. Psn is SoyaPop.
I need 4 level 30s highly experienced players to do the raid on hard from I got a checkpoint at Templar but willing to restart if needed to
hard raid templar check point. add if interested! Dominic0028
2 hunters looking for atheon run 28 and 27 add Bog-Wog
Edited by hold_my_left: 12/4/2014 10:17:41 PM
Fresh ps4 hard raid 29+ only Add me: DAT_THUG_TROOPZ
Lvl 29 Titan needs lvl 30's for gatekeeper and atheon, add surge818
Fresh ps4 hard raid 29+ only Add me: DAT_THUG_TROOPZ
Couple of lvl 30's looking for 4 more to do raid on hard in about 30 mins add Tigrex_Tamer
Lvl 30 warlock maxed weapons looking to finnish atheon HM. I have chaeckpoint. Add johnsendennis
Have 5 spots open for vog hard. Templar checkpoint. Starts at 2:30 eastern. Have mic
Looking for people to do the raid on hard Message me on ps4 mrlucozade99 Level 29 titian
Looking to do raid on norm. Haven't completed in full, looking for group. 28 hunter PSN littleZEROhollow
Lvl29warlock looking for team to join max weapons ps4 invite me
2-30s and a 29 looking to raid full hard. Name as is add if interested
Level 30 Warlock looking to do hard raid tonight from start. All my regular groups are already in there, or are taking the night off! If there are any other 30s out there still needing to get it done my Psn is the same.
At gatekeeper CP need 3 more 30s please Add: Perragamo
Lvl 30 experienced hunter LFG hard mode Templar, will help with anything though.
Lv 30 Warlock looking for a VOG group on hard mode. Username and PSN are the same.
Level 29 sunbro looking for hard mode fresh start. Experienced. Add xxivionstrousxx
Edited by legolas420: 12/4/2014 3:31:13 AMLooking for 0 ppl for normal raid fresh start Add legolas_420
Looking to do a hard raid I have Templar checkpoint level 29 warlock having trouble beating him
Anyone looking to make a team for HM VoG?? Level 29 Warlock
Lvl 29 titan looking for group for fist time hard mode. PS4 msg riot_maker.