Edited by RyanGall92: 1/26/2015 1:34:17 AM3-4 more players for VOG normal on Xbox one
Need help level 30 Titan first time VOG today
Weekly Nightfall Strike 30 or higher message BTheBeast01 on X1
We are looking for people in the UK, Canada, Anerica, and Australia to join DaGreatness clan. Don't matter what's your skill level is we will work with you on them also teach you things in both pve and pvp. Go to Bungie.net and search the Greatness thank you all and have a bless day!
Edited by Ccaveman14: 4/21/2015 11:07:54 PMVault of Glass on Hard - Gorgon Checkpoint 3 spaces remaining Add ccaveman14 #recruitment
ps3 ps4?
Edited by H0LY PHOENIX: 4/19/2015 8:15:16 AMFreshly converted Destiny addict with a Warlock 29 or Titian 28, looking for first time raiders, or anyone who has the time and patience to take a keen noob through VOG. Based in UK but appreciate joining or being joined by anyone who wants some fun and has a mic on the Xbox One. Add Kacey Khoo, and let's roll.
I need people that are level 26 or higher I have a level 30 Hunter I haven't done any raids. On Xbox1 5 more people my gamer tag is "END3R DR4G0N"
Xbox One Vault of Glass Atheon checkpoint 1 space left! Add ccaveman14
Looking for two more dudes on Xbox One for VoG Normal. We have: 2x level 31 1x level 32 1x level 24 Add Ccaveman14 on Xbox one
Looking to make a group of six please join ps4 name above anyone will do
Edited by FadedSky461: 7/8/2015 9:42:16 PM
Started a new topic: Need people Croats end normal ps4(4 Replies))
Looking for a group for VOG/Crota. I'm a 31 Titan or 28 warlock.
Lvl 28 hunter xbox1 pbsnickers21
Any raid today? I'm ready for whatever! Lvl 31 Warlock - gamer tag: BSLRK
I need any 5 people who have done Vog on normal and know how to do it since I can only do the first step. I am a level 26 warlock who is halfway to 27. Reply for an invite. Xb1 level 26+ and experienced guardians only any class. Tell me your gamer tag so I know. HunterHunter115 is my gamer tag
VOG normal reply for invite
Edited by Mooyo: 4/8/2015 9:09:22 PMvog (i'm new to the raids please help!) 5 slots open IGN: MOoYo1
Anyone want to do Crota or VOG normal ?
I need help on vog
Need help with all raids did Crota nor yesterday will help anyone to get experience.
VOG reg mode Xbox one 5 spots available Message me my Gamertag is TMadGamer
Xb1 Vog raid inv me name is same
Need help with vog normal xb1 gt JackDeezle
Edited by U-KNW-ITS-D: 3/27/2015 10:56:09 PMJoin U-KNW-ITS-D
Need 4 people for VOG regular fresh run helping out a friend who's new to the game message for invite