originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Need one level 30 we at the end help
Looking to do fresh raid on normal, got 3 ppl, add bashax-style if interested
Looking for 5 guardians to do fresh hard raid. PSN: AdepT-Diablo
Lvl 30 Titan looking to do raid from beginning. Have a mic. Gt: bigwhiz18
Aethon on hard, looking for a lvl 30 with experience and mic. We need 1 person. Psn:bacon_tetris add me
Gatekeeper checkpoint on hard need 3
At Atheon. Need 3 Quasimofo170
raid on hard. 4 30's need 2 more people. weve all beat it. 29 or 30s join up. add jakesaid
Lvl 29 hunter with vog hard Atheon check point. Need 5. Add me sonnyc56
Have an atheon check point on hard. Need 5 more people. I need level thirties and level twenty nines. Add Trick-Nasty-_
Need 3 level 30 to do hard raid. Message chickensnack1. Have 2 level 30 and 1 level 29
Templar on the vog hard Level 30's only We have two level 30 warlocks and one level 30 hunter.
Lvl 29 hunter, looking to tackle first hard raid. I've go experience on normal and maxed raid weapons. Someone please hook a brother up, been trying to get into a hard raid for 2 weeks now PSN: OVchron
Gatekeeper checkpoint on hard. Need some 30's to knock it out. Burge516 psn
looking to join a group for vog hard! lvl 30 warlcok with experience add me psn uncle__jamm
Looking for a team of 30's for gatekeeper checkpoint on hard mode. Burge516 psn.
Any one willing to walk me through raid hard mode lvl 29 Titan psn Nelly_P84
Need 1 for Hard VoG, currently at Templar oracles, add me
Need one level 30 for hard gatekeeper checkpoint
Need one level thirty for hard at atheon. Add Trick-Nasty-_
Need two level thirties and one level 29 for hard raid. Add trick-nasty-_
Templar cp on hard Looking for lvl 30s with experience Darkstarking lvl 30 warlock Kiegamer lvl 30 hunter
I need to do the raid on hard this week. Experienced. Add caution05. Prefer fresh run or oracles checkpoint.
VOG on hard @ gatekeeper check point. Add yaboimack11 Lvl 30's please
lvl 29 Warlock lfg gatekeeper or atheon hard
I'm a lol 29 hunter looking to do a VOG on hard. My psn name is chelseas_smile.