originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Level 28 hunter. Both subclasses maxed. Looking to do VoG for the first time. psn: dragonmasta44
{PS3} Lvl 29: Titan Looking For Fresh Hard VoG PSN: UpgradedBobby
Add me! Im online right now. Im a level 27 hunter. Would Like to do the vault of glass for my first time. I just been lazy and putting it off. I dont have a micc. But add me on ps3 onlyy. Knightrider154
Edited by MonsieurKornu: 12/22/2014 4:06:22 AMMy first time makint a Raid, VoG, hunter level 27 add me Psn: Monsieur_Kornu
Edited by itsKlien: 12/22/2014 1:39:16 AMNeed one more for vog normal ps3 add me same name
Edited by meyfsu: 12/22/2014 1:32:20 AMLooking for 5 to do VoG normal run, level 28 hunter both classes fully upgraded, raid experience, no mic though. Username-- meyfsu
Lfg PS3 vog normal 1st time Psn:warshadow007 lvl 27
Looking for people to do the fault of glass psn is Mad-One-Kay-Man
Lvl 29 Titan on Atheon I have a level 26 and mabey a 28 psn: Jackson-_-_-D
Hunter 29 lvl, need help with final boss of crota s raid
Level 27 warlock for Vault of Glass: 5 slots open I have never fully done a raid and have no idea what to do!
Level 27 Titan(striker) VOG raid 4 open slots PSN: onda69 my friend and I have never done a raid and want to have a chance at completing it
Edited by eatsnakeyum: 12/20/2014 6:58:40 PMVOG normal im lvl 30 warlock 5 slots psn: eatsnakeyum
Need 3 for fresh VoG. We have mics Add Xx_BunnyEater_xX
C-Money_2009 Need 5 for fresh VoG Normal Run. I am a level 30 Warlock sunsinger but have never done the raid.
VOG - 4-5 slots - PSN: big_like_burrito
I am a level 26 hunter bladedancer and my gamer tag is Josfullofpoop.
Add me on psn:xCarson_Beast I'm a level 30 warlock and I have three people who want to do a hard raid add me if you are level 30 and preferably Titans and warlocks Happy Raiding!
Searching for 5 people for raid
Lvl 27 hunter 4 glass vault Psn:NekoONyaa
Anyone interesting in VoG normal?
Edited by CrimsonHex: 12/19/2014 4:11:03 AMLvl 28 warlock Crimson_Havik lf vog
Lvl 31 hunter lfg to do crotas end add deadlybunnyninja
Edited by MeGustaWeeeed: 12/14/2014 5:05:34 AMLvl 30 Warlock looking for full ps3 team for VoG. Gatekeeper cp, only requirement is to not be a jerk, looking to have fun. PSN: MeGustaWeeeed