originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Need 4 people for the vault on hard. Needs to be lvl 29 or 30. GT : VxG NePO
Looking for a group to help with hard lvl 29 hunter with full gear an trying to do it for the armor plz message if I can join gt: UNFORGIVEN AGE
Can push atheon gt:skully1770 sunslinger warlock 27 (if someone get him in place)
Level 27 titan looking to do the raid tonight
Looking for someone at final boss on hard for 360 plz message me if I can join gt:UNFOGIVEN AGE
Any one want to do VOG hard level 29 Hunter gamer tag is WarrantedMango9 message me
Looking for atheon hard mode checkpoint X360, Gt EvilChrozonX
Trying to do vog on hard. Someone invite me. Lvl 29 warlock gt atims2468
Need 5 people to do VOG on hard gamertag: VxG NePO
Doing vault of glass hard from fresh msg Exotic Deer 9 for invite lvl 28+
Need 4 more people message me for invite
would someone bring a 27 titan defender with them
Looking for a group I'm a level 28 hunter
Hard raid Got 4 Looking for 29+ Gt: Unpaged
Xbox 360: Doing the raid on normal tonight at 5:00 EST, final boss need 4-5 players and lvl 27+
Pixilatedmojo4 29 titan
gamertag : itevey message me
Id do the raid with anyone who wants to do it
Im a 27 warlock but I have pushed Atheon off on hard before. Message me if you need help.
Looking for a group for VOG
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 29 OR HIGHER, MIC REQUIRED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote] 4 open slots Xbox 360 XGN x Godlike x (lvl 30 warlock) 29+ only
Atheon last checkpoint on hard for VOG.. Preferably warlocks, at least level 29+ to push him off! Message me for invite.. Gamertag on Xbox 360: UnknownVelocity
Looking to join a team for VOG on hard , I'm a hunter lv 28 (360)
Trying to start a squad for vog on hard, Must have a mic and must be 29 plus. GT portiand grown. My checkpoint is confluxes.
Anyone have Atheon hard Xbox 360? Gt- vLT Relentless I'll help kill him or in you can give me checkpoint that's perfect too!