originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Have 3 for vog hard for first time. Lvl 31 titan 2 Lvl 30 warlocks. Add Sadowskavich. Ps4
At gatekeeper checkpoint on hard add Tigrex_Tamer
Add me for crota hard SPYWORLD87
[quote][b]REQUIRED LVL 29 OR HIGHER AND A MIC[/b] comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Looking for crota hard mode group ,invite me please Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote]
32 warlock keen to run hard vog or hard crota, add me
I have 3 people on oracle cp psn:suicidalbunny119
Teach me the Raid please? have done twice before on normal? LV 31 Hunter looking to learn. Add Hugie_Boogie. Prefer a fresh run.
Edited by Anbumedic: 1/25/2015 12:55:49 AMLooking for 3 more player to do VOG Hard, fresh run. 31titan, 32 warlock, 30 titan Message Anbumedic PS4
Hard raid 3 slots Ps4 blaqmamba_813
I need 4 level 32 hunters and Titans to help with the Crota raid on hard. Preferably someone that knows how to play. Add blaqmamba_813 ps4
Edited by red oryx: 1/25/2015 12:12:27 AMatheon on hard need 2 more people lvl 30 and above my name is 'jessdoctor' send me request
Need 3 for gatekeeper cp hard VOG add IzBuu I'm a level 31 titan
Need 2 for vog hard at gorgon cp. psn Fluffy0107
Doing fresh Hard VoG psn: L3WMAN13
Level 30 warlord gamertag: JAVO_ESTRIKER
31 hunter LFG for hard VOG Scuba715
Lvl 32 warlock Lfg Fresh Hard VOG Psn: markjayson197
Lfg vog reg Psn mas-ter-gun-nerg
Any group out there, hunter with experience psn:suicidalbunny119
Templar cp hard add zach_ster_24
im lvl 32 titan with mic psn: MaxOfTheMax
Atheon checkpoint. 31 warlock. Need 5. Ps4. Add me.
Lvl 30 hunter looking to do this raid for first time
Lvl 30 hunter up for any raid on normal or hard idc and I’m up for the Weekly on hard Ps4 Gt is the same add me
Damn phone, sorry furball. Can anyone Teach me to Raid? LV 31 Hunter looking to learn. Please add Hugie_Boogie. Prefer a fresh run. will turn phone off!
Add furball59 for VOG hard I am a 31 hunter with good gear and experience