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originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
Edited by DarkChildOfLight: 11/8/2014 4:58:47 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Thorny Guardians Group

[i]*Raises glass and taps with a spoon*[/i] Hi everyone! Thanks for taking an interest in the clan. Feel free to simply stay as a Group Member or set Thorny Guardians as your Playstation of Xbox Clan. No doubt you are here because you have or want the Thorn Exotic Hand Cannon. I'd like to think that we are happy to help whoever we can with any bounty, patrol, mission, raid, strike or crucible match. [i]We play for fun but we play for keeps![/i] If you haven't joined yet and you want to please PM an Admin who plays on your console. Check the Thorny Guardians' Mission Statement for what you should include in this PM. Our group has gotten quite large and we need this information so that we can update the PSN ID and Xbox Gamertag Lists effectively (visible to members only). [u][b]Admins[/b][/u] [b]PS4[/b] [url=]BanjoTheDwarf[/url] PSN: [u]matrimax[/u] [USA] [url=]DarkChildOfLight[/url] PSN: [u]DarkChildOfLight[/u] [UK] [url=]Falc51[/url] PSN: [u]Falc_51[/u] [Finland] [url=]jammychedder98[/url] PSN: [u]jammychedder98[/u] [UK] [url=]warmach1ne225[/url] PSN: [u]warmach1ne225[/u] [USA] [b]Xbox One[/b] [url=]NightMare3883[/url] GT: [u]NightMare3883[/u] [b]PS3[/b] [url=]Demigod257 [/url] PSN: [u]Demigod257[/u] [b]Xbox 360[/b] [url=]GWINNeveer23[/url] GT: [u]GWINNeveer23[/u] [b]About Me[/b] I'm a person who enjoys all aspects of the game. I am currently seeking the Platinum Trophy for Destiny on the PS4. [u]Destiny Trophy List:[/u] Note the trophies for the Raid and Strikes require that you be part of a full fireteam of three or six from your clan! I play PvP and PvE and I have created a character from each class. I do have my favourites.I love the Warlock, closely followed by the Hunter. I love PvP. I love Hand Cannons and I love Sniper Rifles. But I'll use pretty much anything except for Auto Rifles and Pulse Rifles. [b]So what about you guys?[/b] Introduce yourself. Feel free to create threads here. Invite your friends. Make friends. Lets have some fun! [b] Cheers! Big Ears![/b] Cheers! Here's to us! Don't drink and drive! Don't do anything I wouldn't do! And don't say anything that you wouldn't be comfortable saying in front of your mother! We'll see you in the Tower. [url=]Just look for the guardians with blue flames around their heads[/url] and a Thorn strapped to their backs.

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  • first of all, im happy you invited me in this clan! i hope i dont hurt my head with my next statement: i love handcannons in general! now running arround with "the devil you know" but aiming for THE Thorn! i, naive as i am came across that exotic bounty and clicked to fast of excitement! no im stuck with bad juju -_-. but i came here to introduce myself, for im not yet accepted in this marvelous clan! My gamer name is Exchangedz, dont know why, have it for years it just rolls out of your mouth easy and the amazing Z at the end says it all(yes amaygaawwd its a 12 year old those damn Z's!) buuttt im 24 years old(sad i know, to still use the Z, but deal with it! :P) My real name is Danny, Live in The Netherlands and i am a ps3 gamer. I'm an above average MMO gamer (FOR THE HORDE!) and love FPS( pretty much all the battlefield games) In destiny i truly love all the classes, i really dont have a favourite but for weapons, i love sniper rifles(and with that the obvious choise is handcannons) the dragshots give me satisfaction and pure joy! same for handcannons ofcourse! I am a sniper on the move(not a silly lil camping!) for this i think it is enough information about myself! So shout if you want to know more about me, but im not that interesting in general xD. Cheers!

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    5 Replies
    • Thank you for the clan invite, but I currently obligated. I am following you now and am on the PS4. I am on the Crucible portion of the Exotic Bounty. As a Hunter, Void damage can be hard to come by, as I am storing my Solar Exotics to use Blues. 195/500 and taking a Crucible break to get enough Vanguard marks for Light/Beware.

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      • Hey everybody! I'm on the 360, and my gamertag is Gagz1149. I just got Mark of the Devourer for Thorn, I love it so much! I'd love to play with some of you guys.

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        • Thanks for the invite. Happy to join. My warlock has Thorn, I let him keep it. This week, I'm playing my titan but next week will be Thorn-packing warlock week!

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          • Hello all, I'm new around here and thought I would introduce myself and let you know a little about me. Console: Xbox One GT: Saiu Dante (Just call me Dante it's easier that way) Timezone: CST [b]About Me:[/b] I'm 33, run my own construction company, work too much, and dream about playing while at work way way too much. I love games of all varieties and am especially enjoying destiny. I am a lvl 27/28 Hunter that loves hand guns I do not yet have Thorn, simply need to take out Xyor, but I saw DarkChildOfLight post in the main forum and had been looking for a clan for a few weeks, came in checked it out here and thought it seemed like a good mix of consoles, hardcore and casual gamers, and age range. So anyways with work and real life my play time varies day to day, but I am always willing to jump into a team to take on whatever challenge presents itself. I have not yet attempted the VOG and am not in any hurry to get in there. But if anyone wants to team up for Xyor, or get a wolf pack together to tackle the PvP part of the bounty (or just crucible matches in general), or hell I just love running around farming materials so I am really game for just about anything. If I'm not out doing some odd bounty or another or running around the crucible I'm probably sitting at the back of the Vangaurd room in the tower just enjoying the view (it's a beautiful environment back there) Anyways, Its good to be here and hope to see you all in Destiny, have a great one.

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            • Probably a lot to ask for but I would love to link up and run some of this stuff with you all. I've had Destiny for about a week, hit 25 yesterday, but can't gather people to do the massive missions with. Your thoughts or comments would be appreciated! Psn: justinprata

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              • Hi all I am shadow wolf. Dark child of light already is friends with me on psn but I thought I'll tell you all a bit about me. I am. 20 year old female who lives in Australia. I work in childcare for a living and still live with my parents. Some hobbies I like include watching movies, playing ps4 games and going to theme parks and holidays such as cruises. Some games I like include injustice, all lego video games, infamous, trials fusion and of course destiny! I have 3 guardians at the moment. I have a warlock, hunter and a Titan. They are at different stages at the moment. My preferred character is hunter, second warlock and third Titan. I am up for anyone who wants to join me or I join anyone doing PvP, PvE, strikes or even VOG. One thing is for sure though I am not exactly a extremely good player but sometimes I have my moments where I manage to do a good session in PvP. I am happy to use a mic if anyone needs someone with a mic. I am happy to get to know you all.

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                • Edited by Viltrumite War: 10/22/2014 1:39:53 AM
                  Hi all, Just came across your group, and have to say thank god I have tried soloing it and have got to the last part and failed miserably. I am a level 28 Warlock, ps4 my psn id is viltrumitewar, if anyone needs help on other bounties, raids etc give me a shout. I have been gaming for over 30 years, love comics, movies and video games (obviously) Hope to see you all on destiny .....Just to let you all know I solo'd it earlier and finished it, I am now a proud owner of the Thorn Gun,...finally cracked it!!!

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                  • Edited by InsaneBase: 10/16/2014 5:51:54 AM
                    Hi there! I got the invite from DCoL, too. I'm currently on the last part of the bounty to kill Xyor. If you want to join up or need help with that, feel free to message me (I'll do it with some friends this weekend, if I haven't done it before then, so no biggie if none of you can/want to join). My PSN is InsaneBase and I'm on PS4, usually online around the European evening/night. As you can guess I'm from Europe and I've been playing games for 30 years now (wow). Normally not shooters, but every once in a while there's one that attracts my attention. The Thorn Bounty taught me a lot about Control, but after the ego boost for finishing that part wore off I feel less like a Crucible Goddess now and more like a semi-trained quasi-professional, at best. ;) Meaning, I like the PvP, and am somewhat successful in Control, but there certainly are lots of people better than me. Have fun and see you starside!

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                    • 1
                      Greetings fellow guardians, I just joined the clan. I was looking for 1 since im new to the PS4 and as much as i like playing destiny alone i now have come to a point where i would like to group up more for PVP and PVE. I just got the thorn bounty (have all others besides this badass looking 1), but i think i need some help as trying to solo Xyur doesn't seem fun (aka frustrating). So yeah i could use some help with that! My favorite class is the warlock and i play mostly PVP, with handcannon being my weapon of choice most of the time. I'm also looking forward to group up together and do some crucible and raids. PSN: wesvg87

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                      • Hello guys and gals. New sub here. For the love of God I am struggling with the 500 void kills in crucible matches!!! Basically I'm primarily a PvE player. PvP never really interested me. Alas, I am forced to endure the relentless pursuit of my Thorn through the crucible. Any and all help with this task is supremely welcomed. I'm currently a lvl 28 Hunter, and I'm stuck somewhere around 19 out of 500. Helppppppp fellow guardians!!! PSN ID nightwarrior81

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                        3 Replies
                        • hello there! DCoL we have been talking and I don't mind at all becoming a group member (I am also a leader of my own closeknit clan of friends) and being the one of the PS3 admins! I will have my Thorn by next week to be fully initiated into this group. as an aside: if anyone ever wants to do PvP or PvE just send me a message via Destiny and 90% of the time I'll be free enough to join up and kill shit. I will be getting a headset soon but for the moment I use Skype to communicate with friends and others when playing Destiny

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                        • Hello there! :D

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                        • Edited by SETI 6: 10/17/2014 3:29:02 AM
                          Hello I got invite from dark child of light. Ive been working hard at trying to get the thorn. Done everything just stuck on xyor unwed. I've read ppl saying they can do it solo. Ive been close actually got a few hits on him before I got killed. Anyway needless to say its become an obsession I MUST get there THORN. Ok bout me...... Stay at home dad in my 30's happily married. I live in arizona play during days rarely at night. I'm a decent gamer play anythinthin. Gt: SETI 6. Thanks for invite! Add me and we can play. I didn't mention I'm on xbox one

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                          5 Replies
                          • Can I join even if I don't have the bounty....yet? I got an invite just want to make sure

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                            • This a cool idea for a clan. I play a 28 Titan on Xbox one and I have been trying to get a group for the Corrupted Thorn for weeks now. I am on the last part and am interested in joining your clan. Looking forward to being part of your team.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Hello! Screen name: Zabelzarok. PSN. If anyone is still trying to finish their Thorn bounty, I'll be happy to help with Xyor. It's a rough fight but there's a few ways to make it easier if the direct approach gets you killed. If anyone needs help with PVP I'm sure we all have some advice and tips. Unfortunately, today's hotpatch doesn't address Thorn but there as another mention of improving underperforming exotics so hopefully it'll be soon. Until then, I'll still be popping mobs and leaving green shimmers over everyone in my way. Z

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                                • Hello clan, Just wanted to pass along for anyone who might not have found it, I located a dead Ghost last night in a cave on Venus free-roam. The title of it was "The Rose" and tells some of the backstory of Dredgen Yor who carried Thorn. From the start point of free roam on Venus you'll want to take a left (away from the city) go through the canyon and you'll find the cave to the right of the Fallen outpost. Little blue glowing Ghost inside. Happy hunting. The card reminded me a lot of Stephen King's Dark Tower in its descriptions of the Gunslinger and the Rose.

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