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originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
11/25/2014 11:10:58 PM

Just who do these level 30s think they are?

Honestly guys, some people... Some of these level 30s are just like the guys and girls who walk around in public showing off a bit too much skin. They flaunt their assets and then they complain that they are receiving too much unwanted attention... If you level 30s don't want to be bothered then wear something a bit more modest that hides your rank, and act like you are a rational and helpful human being. They even argue with each other about who is a real level 30 and who isn't. Such and such is wearing an Exotic Helm so they are not a real level 30... me and my friends all laugh at them! Such and such got gear from the Iron Banner... not a real 30 lol! Childish! Its like a girl with fake tan and another girl with implants bickering about which one of them is more natural. We are playing a video game. There are different means to the same end. Stop acting like you are celebrities. Stop being a drama queen and a diva. The citizens in the city below don't even know you. They don't care who you are or what your rank is or how you got it. They are certainly not tracking your stats. People in real life don't care about Destiny. Gamers who play other genres don't even care about Destiny. They look at us like the fake girls arguing about who is natural. None of it really matters! We are the people who care about Destiny. We are all working towards different goals in the game. We are all guardians and we are all in this together. Let's stop tearing each other down and start building each other up. And stop lying to everyone. [i]YOU[/i] did not solo the raid. I'm sick of people always saying [i]I beat the raid[/i]. You were part of a team. Give them some credit. Say, [i]my team beat the raid and I was blessed by RNGezus[/i]. Because thats what really happened. This, coming from a Level 30 Hunter (I got the legs from Iron Banner. Sue me.) and a [url=]Thorny Guardian[/url]. See you all star side.

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  • When I became level 30 I shrugged and then got really bored because I had nothing else to do in my eyes level 30 is one level higher than 29 in a few days I'll try for 32 then get bored agin it doesn't matter what level you are as Long as you can kill stuff

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  • You sound like an ugly person

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  • This is all true, but sadly a little speech isn't gonna turn things around. People bloat about how they got their gear, and then somehow they think its better than another persons gear. Even thought that other person has the same shit. Its like saying "Hey, my Call of duty game is better than your Call of duty game." Even though they have the same dumb game. Its quite hilarious, but a useless argument to fight about. The only way to get rid of these guys is to ignore them and move on.

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  • This is childish. You're the one that's putting the 30s in that pedestal by starting this thread.

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  • Do I count as a legit 30 when I have; All of the Exotic gear/save 1 helm two different raid helms Raid AND IB Gauntlets 4 raid Chest pieces each with different primary ammo capacities *3/4th maxed* Raid AND IB Boots ?

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    1 Reply
    • People need to understand something. I got to 30 a while ago, but in no way do I have the best stats. There are hundreds of 29s out there who have worked harder and are more deserving than I. It was pure luck that I got my armor. Sure there was some skill involved, but it was mainly luck. Another thing, lower levels, A. 30s aren't gods and shouldn't treat you like shit, B. Higher levels aren't going to assist you if you're garbage. I have as much patience as the next guy, but I don't want to spend the whole day helping out someone who I will probably never play with again. Not everyone is an asshole, but you guys can be provoking. That is all.

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    • Hail bruddeh!! 28 is the new thing ma man. In Bacon We Trust

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    • Because you little low level sh!t balloons are goddamm vultures that's why

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    • Better than you

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    • The Iron Banner Armor is who the true 30's are. Anyone can get lucky in the Raid, but you'd have to be a true wielder of the Light to push yourself to Iron Banner Rank 4.

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      7 Replies
      • Lol if 30's are so useless and annoying why don't all 29's just team up and do VOG themselves?

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        6 Replies
        • My solution to all this fake/real lvl 30 BS? Multiple sets of armor that makes me level 30, with sets including both Raid and Iron Banner gear. :)

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        • I don't think I've ever seen a level 30 act like that, although it would be great if I could get into a Hard raid with them! The 30 mentality makes no sense.... add me to your raid, let me finally get that one piece of gear I've been waiting on for weeks, hit 30, and then we can raid all day...

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        • Yet 20 "working hard" toward higher level. Ever a serious CSer never lack of shooting skill and team royalty now stuck in cloak and equipment. Keen to the world of 30 to make something. As I haven't come to this far I can't imagine what is waiting for me. But definitely not for showing off around with gears then this game is too rubbish (or it really has nothing to do after that). I am seeking friends in this world who don't judge what one wears (sooner or later we are equal) and play for real.

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        • Yep im a level 30 and 2 lvl 29 and 2 thirds.....and nothing pleases me more than watching a lvl 30 go in guns a blazing trying too take on the whole darkness by themselves real hero stuff and then bang stomped on with the other player/s not attempting to revive him and giving the teabag..a great lashing on his corpse you know who you are little people....grow a set and be the team man and help others not your self...

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        • What is this nonsense? We real 30s demand that you give us the awe and respect what we earned. How dare you insolent twentysomethings doubt that we are a truly superior master class? You should be grateful that we even allow you to be in our presence and breathe the same digital air. It's not like everyone can be a real 30. There are some, who, if they are extremely lucky, can make it to a fake 30 status, but they are so much below us. You have to born 30 to be a real 30. We start the game as a 30 and not a 1 like the rest of you lowborn peasants. Get back to your place to farm before I lose my temper and ban some accounts.

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          21 Replies
          • You must enjoy being literally spammed with game invites? I've had to block 12 people since I hit 30 a few weeks ago simply because the spam is real...

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            3 Replies
            • I am a fake 29

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            • If I'm in the tower I usually get 3 or 4 invites. I just ignore them because frankly it's rude. It makes you go to orbit just to rejoin a fireteam. If you send me a message explaining what you'd want to do, then I might give you the time of day. I've helped out brand new 20s figure the game out- just be polite and folks like me will be more than willing to help you learn the game. The more 30s we get the better. The Hive awaits...

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            • agreed 100%, tired of all the arguing, the more 30's on the game, the better.

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            • I think all you whiners care too much about other people

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            • At least if you're going to try to invite someone to play/want help, send a message before hand. At least for me, i have no problem helping others, but if i get random game invites i mostly just ignore them, now if someone is courteous and sends a message first asking for help and what they need help with, i am much more likely to assist them compared to just getting spammed with game invites without any prior contact at all.

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            • I'm sorry. But even legit whiny post I find it hard not to read in a sniveling snotty kid voice in my head... I agree with you... But the brain reads how the brain reads.. Lol

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            • I am level 30. Did the raid twice. Once on normal. Once on hard. Got vex mytho, raid helm, boots,gauntlets same raid. Got blessed by rng. Other than that I suck at pvp, keep my mouth shut and do what I am asked to do on raid. Neither team let me touch the relic... so what? I have fun. Period. Thats what its about.

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              1 Reply
              • There are far too many thirties now for me to be walking around like I'm hot shit.

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              • Sorry, I read implants and was instantly distracted.

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