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originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
12/13/2014 7:19:53 PM

How likely are you to play with others on your friend list?

1 - Never. 100% solo. I kick anyone who joins.


2 - Solo. But if you join session you can stay.


3 - If I can't find anyone I happily play solo.


4 - I would prefer to find a team.


5 - I actively send out invites or join others


6 - I rarely, if ever play solo


7 - Always. I will not play this game alone.


I'm curious. I've heard alot of people bragging about doing the nightfalls and portals in the vog solo. Even people who are in my clan that I play with regularly do this. I'm wondering if the majority of the community would rather play solo than with a few online friends. [b]Poll Question:[/b] You notice a few friends in your Roster online playing Destiny. On a scale of 1 to 7, how likely are you to invite or join someone to play in the crucible / nightfall / weekly?

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  • I have a lot of Destiny-met people on my friends list. That said; if you randomly join on me I will probably condone your booting. It's one thing to send a message if someone has an open spot or join their party to ask about it, but if I'm trying to get a group together and someone can't join because you ninja'd in there with no warning the slot's getting vacated.

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    • i prefer to play solo only due to the lack or player skill of "friends' A lot of people on my aquaintance list - they are not really friends as i dont really know any of them - well some are good some are bad. Some are kids some are in their early 20's like me, some are even older. I prefer to play with older players or players my age as the younger players are always going to be immature kids to me even if they are wise beyond their years. Solo first, people later. I can solo everything in the game minus the raids(obviously) so i play alone. People can join me or invite me(although i wish i knew what the invites were for) and i will play with them and help them but sometimes i want to be left alone to mind my own business without having to deal with anyone except a passerby.

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    • I only really ever play with my best friend and my brother, if they aren't on, I solo. I haven't made a friend on Xbox LIVE in a great many years, I was in to virtual friend making more so when I was younger.

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    • I love playing with others! But find solo is quite easier as I do dumb things when grouped up because I think I can self revive or hey they will revive me. There is a core couple of people I like to raid with and know how we like to do it. But people are always welcome to join my chat and see what going on. I like helping people thru the weekly and nightfalls and raids.

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    • 1
      I play solo unless someone invites me. If I am invited to something I then will use my list to find others to fill out a group if needed. I never just join people or try to initiate something. This is the reason Ive only done like 5 VoG's and 3 Nightfalls...but hundreds of Strikes and even more Crucible/IB matches then I could count.

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    • Wow this poll surprised me. I voted for No.6 expecting it to be the most popular. Crazy, I hate playing this game solo.

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    • Im almost always solo. I do nightfall solo, normally right after reset. I add people looking on fourms before the kill shot. As a result my friend list is growing and people randomly join me on nightfalls, i still feel weird about randomly joinimg others but i don't mind much. Although sometimes I have to watch myself I tend to play more aggressively, when I have someone with me which is bad for night falls sometimes.

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    • Edited by Verminstar: 12/14/2014 5:03:38 PM
      Mostly solo although I sometimes group up with others for VOG...Im terrible in crucible so avoid it at all cost and I have never once done a weekly or nightfall because I cant find anyone to join up with...seems if yer not lvl30 then nobody wants to know ye and even though Im 29 now, any invites I send out are either ignored or come back telling me they only accept lvl30+ with no exceptions to non friends. After a while, I just gave up trying and tell myself that certain aspects of this game are off limits to me until I grind up the hard way and can do everything solo. I'm not exactly the youngest player and find the great majority are younger than my daughter who also plays funnily enough but shes on PS while I'm an xbox player...she has to lie about being a girl because when others find out shes a young teenage girl, she gets a massive amount of highly unwanted attention and has quit the game in disgust more than a few times already so possibly after xmas, she will switch to xbox and problem solved ^^ I would say that my daughter now plays solo only after a few incidents this week with testosterone fuelled idiots who just dont seem to know how to take no for an answer and get very nasty when they figure out shes there to play not socialize and she is very very good...something which young guys dont take very well so its easier and less stressful for her to play solo now exclusively

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      • I'll send out a mass message saying for example 'Need 6 VoG HM, join fireteam don't reply' & whoever joins first runs with me.

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      • I generally just solo. I usually have a podcast playing and the game volume on mute. Maybe Even a podcast on headphones and my daughter sleeping in the same room. I occasionally grab my headset and find some buddies to tag along with. When the game first hit I was way into it and built a strong friends list I capable players to do the tougher stuff with. Still get invites Everytime im on. I usually miss them though while Doing other things.

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      • I like playing with others but I generally ignore game invites but I will accept party chat invites. I usually have game objectives I want to complete while I am on but I am willing to change things up so long as I am in chat to discuss. I feel when I get game invites that I am somewhat tied to want they want to do only. Also the chat and sound quality combination from game invites is terrible.

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      • I usually invite people to join me. If they don't want to then I'll play solo. That's how I start my destiny sessions. I see who is online, invite them to join if their not busy with VOG and if they don't want to join then I just play by myself. If someone invites me I join them even if I'm busy doing crucible or anything else in destiny.

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        7 Replies
        • I'm fine going solo on anything short of Nightfall Strikes; so far I haven't been on a Raid other than once with some of my clan, who nursed me as far as the Templar where we became stalled for an hour or so until I had to quit. (Honestly, that was probably my fault- everybody else had an Ice Breaker or some type of exotic weapon; my best was my Legendary Scout Rifle and The Swarm.) I am quite hoping to go raiding again soon, but finding a team is tricky given the hours I work.

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          • depends on who those people are. my core group? they have a chat party going and I'll join to see what they are up to and if they want company. anyone else? I'll join or start a party to see what people are up to and if they want help. I solo nightfalls and weeklys cause others can make mistakes that cause a wipe and its easier to solo. if you join my nightfall with out asking you will be kicked. if you send random game invites you will be ignored. if you invite me to a party and I'm not in one activly playing with others I'll join. if you join mine and tell me what your up to and I'm not activly doing something I'll join to help. apart from my own nightfall / weeklys I prefer to play with others and will help others complete the nightfall / weekly after I'm done my own.

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          • I have yet to complete a Weekly Strike, but would love to. But it never seems to work out finding anyone to join up with to do it. I was able to finally complete the Crota story quest, The Wakening, yesterday by inviting myself into jammychedder's fireteam...Thanks Jammy!

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          • I would love to know the breakdown between platforms of this poll. I often find myself in a party which contains multiple fireteams all undertaking different activities, or even 5 or 6 people all solo on different activities but all in the same party.

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          • That depends on my mood. Sometimes I ask whether people want to join up/look if someone's looking for a party, sometimes I enjoy a little time alone chugging along at my own pace.

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          • Joined you the other day, think it's good to play with others, normally ends up being a laugh and having a good time, from the play I've experienced the community is good and up for a laugh

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          • Practically never, I don't invite anybody but I will join anyone if they want me to, I want to do more raids and stuff but I can never find a group :(

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          • I like to play solo unless I or others need help.

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          • 2/7 keeps my skills sharp. raiding is another story i prefer a good team there.

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          • 7/7. def like to play with others. not out of necessity, just preference.

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          • 6/7

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          • I mostly enjoy playing with friends new and old. But until the DLC, I always ran the Daily myself unless a friend wanted to tag along to chat while I did it. Now that it is a 30 - it really requires help for me anyway. So as per your scale - I would rate it a 5 to 5.5.

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          • Edited by SETI 6: 12/14/2014 4:04:24 PM
            In most games I'm normally 100% solo leave the hell along type of player, but in destiny I enjoy a team. Mainly because I like to help and I know a few tricks and secrets due to my picking games apart. When I get on I check my friends see who's playing alone, and what they are doing if its a mission I'll offer help, but if they are all busy I'll just do my own thing. I have a couple friends who just jump in my fireteam whenever I'm on most the time that's cool. However like most of yesterday I was helping my brother who is completely new to destiny I had to stop everyone from joining or set my status to offline. I was trying to show him as much as I could and help him level up and work on my 2nd attempt at a fresh hunter. I did manage to get him up to level 16 in 1 day though

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          • Very good poll. Finally someone who knows how to make one. If you turn it sideways it looks like a histogram. There's a bell curve shape there.

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