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originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
11/16/2014 10:41:14 PM

Things We Say While Playing Destiny

Post the things that you find yourself or people that you play with saying time and time again. [u][b]In Orbit[/b][/u] [spoiler][Loading Screen] "Wouldn't it be cool if we could do (insert) with our ships?" "I can't join you for some reason. Its saying its set to friends only. But you're on my friend list." "Can we go to the Tower real quick?" [Starts Mission] "Oh wait, I forgot to get my (insert)." [/spoiler] [u][b]Story / Missions / Strikes[/b][/u] [spoiler][Cutscene] "Why can't I skip this?" "I've done this same strike (insert) times now!" Urgh... I hate (insert enemy)!" "Behind us! Behind us!" "Wtf? They spawned right on top of me!" "Watch out for (insert enemy)" "Don't die!" "I got one shot." "Okay I'm gonna leave and come back." "Anybody know a good spot for the boss?" "Wait, thats it?" "Omg, finally!" "I got a strange coin / Mote of Light!" "What? I get nothing?" "Sigh.. I got crap.. again..." "RNGezus hates me." "Oh wow! You got (insert Exotic)!" [/spoiler] [u][b]Patrol[/b][/u] [spoiler]"I've got a good farming run." "Ooh, there's a chest!" "(insert material) over here!" "They need to put in Sparrow Racing!" "Oh oh oh! Public Event starting!" "Have you seen this glitch?" "I'm doing the (insert) bounty." "Have you gotten the dead ghost / gold chest in this area?" "I just need (insert) more (insert material) then I can max my (insert weapon / armour)" [/spoiler] [u][b]Tower[/b][/u] [spoiler]"Where did you get (insert weapon / armour)" "What shader is that?" "Where is Xur?" "I just ranked up (insert faction)" "Let's see what Cryptarch will give me." "I hate Cryptarch, he never gives me anything decent." "I got a package from the Post Master." "I just got a random invite." "Who is this guy that just joined our fireteam?" "Why is everyone dancing around me?" "Oh, so thats the purple ball I've been hearing about!" "Hey, do you know how to get up here?" [/spoiler] [u][b]Raid[/b][/u] [spoiler]"We've got (insert enemy) coming to (insert location)" "Don't open the chest until we're all here." "How many Warlocks / Titans have we got?" "How many Gjallarhorns have we got?" "Are we cheesing him or doing it legit?" "Oracles!" "To the bat cave!" [Gorgons] "No double jumping." [Gorgons] "Stick together guys" "Who hasn't killed a Gorgon before?" [Jumping puzzle] "Hey! Who pushed me off?" "Does everybody understand whats going on?" "I've got the relic." "Who's geting the relic?" [Atheon's Timestream] "Which side?" (Answer: Mars / Venus or left / right side) "Cleanse! Cleanse! Cleanse!" "It only sent two of us!" "I'm glitched in the portal!" "Yep. Thats a wipe guys." "Come on guys, we can do this!" "Everybody to the middle!" "We need a bubble at (insert) seconds." "One more cycle and he's done!" "Yes, we did it!" "FFS! I got chatterwhite and energy again!" [/spoiler] [u][b]Crucible[/b][/u] [spoiler]"I've got the flag!" "I never get to hold the flag.." "I've got the flag, we're probably going to lose." "I hate this map." "Ah yes, this is my favourite map!" "Where the F did he come from?" "They're all at (insert location)" "Urgh... I hate (insert weapon)" "I swear to god! I hate f-ing (insert super)!" "Why is it so laggy? Teleporting everywhere!" "Thats Bullsh*t!" "How did that kill me? I was around the corner!" "See? Its always the person on the bottom who gets the good stuff!" [/spoiler]

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  • Iron Banner This event was made for the bitch sun singers

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  • Trash for being good in pvp

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  • Funny

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  • Friend: "we need 1 more for Hard Mode, I'll get on the forums. Should I post for a 30 only?" Me:"nah, 29 is fine..... no squeakers though"

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  • Edited by RonaanTheAccuser: 11/19/2014 8:21:01 PM
    Losing at Crucibe: GRRRRRR...

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  • Cruciable: How did I miss?!? I f*cking hate PvP... Bullsh*t! HOW!?!! Story: My aim is just terrible today... You little f*cktard. Stop f*cking moving! *can't hit with gun* F*ck this. *punch* Shut up ghost... Shut up ghost... Shut the f*ck up ghost... Where the hell did he go? *loses shield* Ow! Don't do that! I don't care ghost... I did this fine last time, why not this time?!? Going into cruciable: I'm not gonna get mad this time... Time to rage... *talking to family* I'm going to go yell at my TV...

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  • Edited by Rhulk's Thunder Thighs: 11/19/2014 12:53:13 PM
    Dont forget in crucible "When i unload 4 shotgun rounds in your head,you are supposed to -blam!-in die"

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  • First time through Atheon fight: "Freakshow, where are you?" "I don't know" "What do you mean you don't know?" "I'M BLIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Later through the Atheon fight: "Scalci help! Dude! Yo! WHAT THE ****ARE YOU DOING YOU'RE STARING AT A WALL" * 10 second delay, mic pops back on * "Oh I'm blind. Can you save me?" Again in Atheon: "Alright guys, I'm blind again, but don't worry I'm coming to you now relic guy!" "WAIT DON'T DO THERE'S A HOL-" *Guardian down* "There's a hole...between you and me" "AMAZING!" I love my raid team.

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  • Time's Vengeance at 3 seconds. "BUG OUT BUG OUT NOW!!!" Everyone flies from the center. Awwww yeeeeah. Lol

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  • I usually find myself saying what medal I got in Crucible if it meant wrecking someone's face. Like "stick around" or "I see you". Then I have a chuckle to myself.

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  • Edited by Sgt Cabose: 11/17/2014 6:42:48 PM
    Raid: While Atheon is spawning in: "Ok guys. Whoever is on home team has to clear the supplicants on the side we're coming out. If they aren't dead at least tell us so we don't lose the relic holder coming out." Everyone: "Ok cool" Portal team leader: "Ok we're coming through. Everybody go cen *[b][i][u]BOOM[/u][/i][/b]* ... ter..." *Guardian down* Home team: Where is everyone? What happened? Where's our shield? We're getting killed!" Dead relic holder: "Guys the supplicant killed us outside the portal. Warning much???" Home team: "Oh yeah. We were shooting Atheon." *7 more times later...* Portal Team: "Guys... The F'ing supplicants... For the love of god..." Home team: "-blam- this. You guys suck!" *xXSN1p3R3L1T3$K1LL$Xx has left the fireteam.* Argh!!!! Supplicant portal team kills drive me crazy :/

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    7 Replies
    • [spoiler]F*** a Duck![/spoiler]

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    • "Shut up ghost"

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    • Really true except the tower part

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    • Playing Destiny, looking on my tablet, standing several minutes in die middle of nowhere, look again on the tablet: "Man ... again a public timer app cheating me *&%$§$! and '*+(=!?§. Not with me§$%*="

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    • Edited by NomNomFabbo: 11/19/2014 12:42:00 PM
      [quote]"How did that kill me? I was around the corner!"[/quote] this That is something I say mostly in Crucible: "Yes!! Of course!! I meeled him twice and he ate a shotgun shot. Then he turns arround and kills me before he dies." "How could he kill me so fast? Ah... Suros.. "

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    • -blam!- Sorry My bad Dammit coughing Finna grab some tea hold up Wow hunters are useless Wipe Noooooo Wow ascendant materials That was loud

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    • Yo want to trade?... Oh wait, god dammit! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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    • Edited by TurrdBurglar: 11/19/2014 2:56:03 AM
      *gets killed by fist of panic* I hate supers... Yes a purple!! *decrypts engram* oh master rahool, I've told you once I'll tell you again. I really hate ascendant shards!

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    • I usually start humming the Indiana Jones theme song before I do something stupid... You know the stupid, we've all seen us Titans do it... Me: "Babe! (boss name, usually Phogoth) is about F'd, Going in" GF: "I don't think he's...." Key theme music and charge in for the Grand Finale Titan Smash *"Guardian Down"* GF: "Nice, where are you this time?" Me: "Middle..."

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      14 Replies
      • Well that confluxes part was cake on hard.

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      • Me: "Quick! Kill it, kill it!!" Fish: "Kill WHAT?!" Me: "WHAT DO YOU F-ing THINK?! HOW BOUT THE THING THAT'S [i]KILLING[/i] US?!" Me: "Kill it with fire-!" Fish/Doc: "BEFORE IT BREEDS!!" Me:"F-, consumed AGAIN?!!" Doc: "Sorry... I tried punching the minotaur again..." Me: "LIGHTSWITCH is on!!" Doc: "Yeah...." Fish: "Crap, where did all these enemies COME from?!!" Doc/Me: "Uhhh... Sorry. We're a little... Dead." Fish: "Seriously?!" Me: "Okay, guys. Let's play this smart. Keep in mind that lightswitch and juggler are on, so keep your distance." Fish: "Where's Doc?" Dinklebot: "Guardian down!" Doc: "Uhhh.... Sorry. I lost focus after "let's", so I just kinda... Punch." Me: Facepalms. "I'll get him." Dies while reviving.. Fish: "I hate you both." Me/Fish/Doc: "CRYPTAAAAAAARCH!!! You jerk!!" Me: Dies *consecutive string of loud and colorful curses* Doc: dies "Oh. Well then." Fish: Dies "Gosh darn it!!" Fish: Fighting Wizards "GO AWAY, WIZARD! You were adopted!!" Me: Fighting Wizards "You f-inf piece of sh-!" Doc: Fighting Wizards, "Why won't you just die?!" Me: Playing solo "All by my-seeeelf....~" Mom: "-----! Stop making so much noise! I'm watching the Voice, I don't want to hear cats dying!"

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        2 Replies
        • Well for pvp am I the only one that says Venus baby! When shores of time pops up?

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          • Oh look a purple engram!! Oh wait no its blue -.-

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