originally posted in:MSXL
Yup, I still call these chapters. U MAD?
Anyways, in order for me to be able to save any changes to this group, I had to make a name that didn't have any punctuation, as it continuously gave me an error when trying to save other admin settings. So I figured I would just shorten it to MSXL since that's what it's always been called anyways. Besides, I think a the simpler name fits well with the simpler design of the new Bungie.net.
One thing is for sure in this "New New New Hotness", though. The capabilities of chapters/groups has been even more limited from what I can tell. I've figured out how to post "announcements", which are the equivalent of news, but that's about it. Also, on a more important note, I don't have my legendary honey mustard avatar, so I'm working on getting that taken care of as we speak. How can I be your fearless leader without my special BBQ-hating persona? Preposterous!
Holy crap, they better give back the avatar asap. While they did take away some of the chapter capabilities, it was the lesser used ones. I'm a fan of the notifications, upgraded messaging system etc. I'm still adjusting toward the new forums, but I'm finding the number of plusses to outnumber the minuses. And I'm fine with the name change, this place has always been MSXL anyway.
Where the hell am I
I like that all the oldies are still around :)
They took away your avatar. I hate them.
[quote]BBQ-hating persona? Preposterous![/quote] You're bad and you should feel bad.
Honey Mustard 4 Life
BBQ conspiracy
Yep, all is cool here. I still hate how these forums works though - especially when the site overall looks gorgeous.
Hey there Mrs. Miley!
Your missing avatar makes me so sad :( Glad you finally made your way to Bungie.next :)