originally posted in:DoD Beyond
Ok everyone we finally have our first ps3 twitch streamer axiomm84 I run with him almost nightly we focus a lot on crucible stuff but you will also see us tackle crota and Vog and all other we can stir up so please follow him and help makes this grow huge
Hello everyone!
Shortly after Christmas I decided I was going to play Crucible and make it in the top 100 players, on Jan 7th I started this journey placing somewhere under the top 20,000 players. Today as I write this message I am currently sitting at #11,074, which puts me in the top 5% of players in Destiny. I would like to invite everyone here and throughout the other clans to join me in this journey, as I try to show everyone that we as dads can still be some of the best players, much like Raid team 6 did with the fastest Crota run.
I stream all of my game-play on twitch (http://www.twitch.tv/axiomm84) I normally start at about 7PM PST (10PM EST.) If you have and questions or comments please feel free to post them or add me in game (Axiomm84.) Thank you for taking the time to read this and good hunting Guardians!
Do you play with viewers ?
...niiiice. You have been followed!~