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4/16/2015 8:52:49 PM

I Really Need Some Help

Here's the situation. I would like to get better at the Crucible. I'm not really talking about K/D ratio. I just want to actually be a viable asset to the team instead of another target for the enemy team. I'm a level 31 Warlock who can't seem to hit the broad side of a barn, much less a moving target. No matter what sensitivity I put my controller to, I seem to be unable to get a pin-point shot. Once the gun is firing (no matter the type) it seems like the gun is going to go EVERYWHERE ELSE but where I put it. If my try to make a slight adjustment to a target that strafes, my controller seems to scream "YOU WANTED TO GO AAAAALLLLL THE WAY TO THE LEFT RIGHT????!!!" My melee is TERRIBLE!! No, I'm serious. I have been killed by other warlocks with ONE HIT but I cannot EVER seem to do that to anyone, including lower level warlocks. My melee charges fairly quickly, so I'm not sure what it is. I really don't want to go for the tired tropes of "The game is cheating" or "The other team is cheating" so I'm going to assume it's me. Once in a while, I'll be on point with about 12 kills and 5 deaths. (for me this is fine). But most games, I have about 25 assist, 4 kills, 9 deaths. I use a range of weapons because nothing has worked consistantly for me since I've been playing. However I have an Ice Breaker, Suros Regime, Serpentine Rapier, Badger and a few other max leveled guns and they offer me no increase of kills. I would really like someone to give me some tips. Is there a way to improve my aim on the PS3? Besides the Thorn (which I don't have) what guns should I be using? I say the thorn because I have been killed today alone by a LOT of Thorns in about 3 shots. As a dad who works most of the time, I really don't want a game I paid 100 dollars for to just be another game that I have no chance at getting even half-way decent at. Thanks for any assist with this.

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  • Edited by Ganre78: 5/8/2015 10:28:18 PM
    Ravenssclaw in DOD backwater group is planning on giving some classes, you should hit him up.

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  • Melee: while in super a Sunsinger warlocks melee, if the melee skill is up, is an automatic one hit kill. That, a titans shoulder charge and a Bladedancer's backstab are the only 1 hit kill melee in the game. Look at your controller. I bought a 20$ Controller and it sucked. I had to set my sensitivity on 2 as the sticks were so stiff. If you have a cheap controller consider upgrading. It is generally worth it. Thorn is a fantastic pvp handcannon as it is a 2 hit kill if both are headshots and a 3 hit kill otherwise. If you have the bounty then do it. Also maxed weapons make no difference in terms of damage in non iron banner crucible. Nor does level. All that matters is impact and perks. Once you have unlocked the last non "increase damage" perk on a pvp weapon that weapon's performance is as good as it will ever get in normal crucible.

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    2 Replies
    • Yea it really practice bro... for the longest it was for me to even get a kill in pvp... a lot factors you need to figure but the one that you mostly need to figure out is your style of play... me personally I always roll with my red death, felwinters lie and against all odds.... i choose thia because in open area i can get people from mid to long range with my red death or against all odds... but when im in close quarters i pull out my felwinter and ready melee button...I can easily get 1.25 most of the time if I am by myself... so keep practicing n find out how you play.. if you need help n im free hit me up and ill help u out.. Btw sensitivity does not matter. I have a 5 or 6 sensitivity on my controller because im comfortable with it

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    • How old is your controller? I've got one that is 3 years old and one that isn't even a year old. The difference between the way they handle is quite noticeable. Might be time for a new one.

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    • Hi MJBatman798, The best thing to do is find a weapon type that works best for you. Hand cannons and scout rifles are great with their high impact, though require more precise shooting. The fatebringer from the Vault of Glass is another great pvp weapon. Practice absolutely makes better, even simply going into patrol to get used to how a weapon handles will go a long way to battling other gaurdians in the crucible. Teamwork and communication are all but essential for a successful matchmaking experience. Even just a few of your friends discussing tactics during a match can turn the tide of the fight. Most importantly just have fun out there! Hope some of this helps you.

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    • On stability: recoil is affected by the specific weapon you are using , the sight / barrel and the stability stat. Each gun has a different inherent base recoil patten. Most tend to kick up and slightly left or right exclusively. An example would be my Ghelion's Demise. That weapon kicks high up and very slightly left with each shot. I need to adjust right every 3-4 shots depending on distance to target A few weapons such as super good advice kick up and all over the place. It is random if it goes right or left and how much. Most oft these types of weapons are high rate if fire Autorifles and machine guns. Each sight or barrel ( first tree of perks) modify recoil in some way. The perks that say " more predictable recoil" means that it kicks straight up more often. Less recoil is less kick up. More recoil is more kick up. Greater target acquisition means it buffs the auto aim for that weapon. More on that later. Next is the stability stat on the weapon. The greater the stability the less recoil the weapon has. With automatic weapons you generally want all the stability you can get. Perfect Ballance counterbalance and Zen Moment are great perks to get more stability on your weapon. Each weapon has a set auto aim stat. This effects the degree and distance that your reticle will track an enemy. Currently it is impossible to turn off auto aim so generally the more the better. This can be a bad thing as auto aim targets the nearest enemy to you, so if one enemy walks in front of the guy you are shooting, your reticle will start tracking the nearer enemy automatically and leave the guy behind him alive to kill you.

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    • This is going to be somewhat long. I was horrible at pvp until iron banner and my thorn bounty, since then I have become ok. First sensitivity: If you have an extremely sensitive controller, twitch reflexes and lots of experience at high level pvp go for a high sensitivity (6 or up). If not I would start off at about a 3-4 and experiment. It takes an estimated 20 hours of game play for muscle memory to adjust to a new sensitivity level, so pick something that feels natural and go with it. High sensitivity works well with shotgun type builds where you are doing a lot of in close hip fire. Lower sensitivity works best with long range weapons like a scout rifle or sniper. Strafing: in pve you can afford to stand still, in pvp you need to constantly move of you are easy prey. Use the right pad to adjust your aim for your movement using the left pad. Also a general rule of thumb; use the right pad for large movements, and the left pad for small horizontal movements. If you are at the right height and need to adjust your aim right or left just a tad? Strafe, don't adjust your reticle. Weapon choice: find a playstyle that works well for you and choose weapons which compliment it. Do not get a random legendary and try to make it work. Decde how you are gonna play and go looking for guns that preform well within that style. Do you like up close battles? Look at handcannons, shotguns and maybe fusion rifles. Mid range? Autorifles, handcannons and fusion rifles work well but pulse rifles are king at this range. Long range? Scout rifles and snipers. Do you take that extra quarter second to line up a headshot instead of just pulling the trigger right away? Look at handcannons. Do you not care about some rounds missing so long as most hit the target? Autorifles work well. These are just some examples. Don't let your guns determine your playstyle, let your playstyle determine your gun load out. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. This is how we all learn. Do not be afraid to run away if an engagement heavily favors the enemy. Also, there is nothing wrong with few kills and lots of assists. The enemy gets points for killing you, so long as you keep your deaths down and score points you have done your job in the match.

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    • I'm pretty terrible at PVP myself. I prefer to stick to a shotty/melee strategy. I generally stay in areas that aren't too wide open and take people out as they come to me.

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    • Even better if your on ps3 give me a shout tomorrow (Friday ) be on from about 7am gmt. Can run through some matches with you if it helps 😊

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    • Practice. Practice. Practice 😊 Crucible is what you make of it. Some seem happy to run around just after maximum kills and invariably they have an equal amount of deaths. Others love to use skill and strategy. My logic is.if I'm not dying. They ain't scoring. As has been said. Find weapons that suit your style. Then learn there effective range and situations to use them in within matches.what suits what map. What suits against your opponents style and tactics. Hang back a bit as support. Learn to read the game. What's around you and tie that in with your radar. Don't be afraid to change weapons throughout the game to suit it. Also make yourself relax while your playing. That will help with the over compensating as your trying to pull onto a target. It happens to everyone now and again so don't panic about it. There's always going to be games where your hammered from start to finish by a hail of death from an organised fire team lol. Had that today myself. Just ride it out and learn from it. Most of all. Enjoy😆 it's a game after all

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    • Well, I am by no means a PvP guru, but after a bit of work I can at least hold my own now... usually. I'm PvP I need a weapon with a balance between power and stability. My main weapons are high impact moderate ROF autos, quick shooting high stability scouts (love the MIDA Multitool), and higher impact pulse rifles. I am more of a strategic player that likes to work the lanes of fire and common motion paths wile moving at a moderate pace. In doing so I will work the outside of map in. Also don't ride solo but play wingman to other players until you build confidence. See yourself as their support and extra pair of eyes. In doing so you will find players that you like to follow and learn from their movements. Experiment with copying their movements, but be careful not to move at a careless frantic pace. Lastly, aim high for headshots. I found my default was body because it was quicker and easier to aim at center mass, but it was not effective. Go for the head. To do this pay extra attention to way you are looking at. You may find that you are looking at the dot or crosshairs of the sight imstead of your target. Train yourself to pinpoint and stare at the head of your opponents. Eventually your hands will follow.

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