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originally posted in:DoD Beyond
Edited by kklathan8613: 2/5/2015 8:42:27 AM

Breakdown of HoW weapons

I ripped off a google doc of the current weapons, then I added in the HoW weapons into that format. The link is [url=]==> Here <==[/url] Real fast breakdown: Autorifles - you have 2 each of the max RoF / very low impact and 2 low RoF / high impact ones to choose from --------I Think of an Eidolon Ally or Payback SOS for the max RoF I\/I and SUROS Regime or Shadow Price for the high impact Pulse Rifles - 2 each of the mid-high impact pulse rifles and 2 high impact ones -------I Think of the old Bad Seed Down (there is no pulse rifles of this archetype in TDB) for the mid-high impact I\/I and the high impact ones are copies of Three Little Words Handcannon - 2 handcannons this round. Each one has 81 impact (same as Hawkmoon, TDYK, TFWPKY and Fatebringer) ------_I No more low impact handcannons. Rejoice! Scout Rifles - 4 scout rifles total, all of them with the same impact as the Badger CCL. ------_I It looks like there are no more Vision of Conflucence type scouts in the new expansion, all of them are based on the Badger CCL model. And you have 4 to pick from. Sniper Rifles - 1 really low impact sniper, one low-mid impact sniper (about the same as Patience and Time) -------I Gak! No more really high impact Snipers. I think I will keep my Efrideet's Spear thank you very much. Fusion Rifles - 1 max impact really low charge rate, one high impact and low charge rate -------I Really high impact fusion rifles that take forever to charge. Shotguns - Only 1 reported so far, and that has similar stats to Swordbreaker (low impact) ------- I Yay for shotguns that take 2 hits to kill Machine Guns - 1 like the old Zombie Apocalypse and one like THE SWARM. ----------I I really like the slow RoF high impact HMGs, but if I can find a SWARM clone (Bury the Truty) with stability perks and Field Scout I will go with that instead. Rocket Launcher - 1 like the old Unfriendly Giant and one like Truth / Dragons Breath ---------I Really really hoping I can get ballahorn and not have to worry about a backup rocket launcher. I would prefer high blast radius with ok velocity and tracking.

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