same here pls send me a inv thanks
i have never done the raid but i can help. i have a 32 defender titan and a lvl 33 sunsinger. GT is RAGE9191919
At atheon cp normal need 5 Jchilds26
34 warlock with normal Atheon CP. GT is same as above.
34 warlock with normal Atheon CP. GT is same as above.
Im up for Vog whenever your on. Gamertag: L0rdmule
Edited by TheGickSquad: 7/13/2015 9:11:13 PMLevel 32 titan. Vog normal ASAP. First come first serve. My name is my gamertag.
I'm in the same boat! Could I join with you to do it? I'm a level 30 warlock
Are you still looking for help? I have never done VOG but I am 32 Titan
I'll be on for the next few days in the mornings (pacific time) hit me up if you got a crew together gt same as name I'm a lvl 33 titan
hey im pretty much the same as u guys, any way i can join?
hey add me ive never tried vog level 31 warlock.
May I help? I'm a Hunter, Light Level 29. I know the level sounds low, but I can pull through it.
Can I try
I'm looking for help on raids as well 31 titan
Edited by MoreHotSauce: 7/11/2015 7:26:49 PMPerfect! im the exact same as u no mic level 32 warlock first time! Msg me on xbox 360