Lookin for 2 normal raid lvl 28's and up msg me
Gt GroupInk640 Warlock lvl 29 Have atheon checkpoint on hard need 30's i wuldnt care if theres 2 or 3 lvl 29's msg me for invite
Normal Meveloff I have a mic 27-28 Titan
Lvl 28 Titan (Both Classes Maxed) Mic Preferred Start at oracles/templar for NORMAL raid Loadout: Atheon's epilogue/SUROS Praedyths/Light Beware Hezen Vengeance All legendary (I still need to upgrade an exotic helmet if I want to be lvl 29 with raid gear) FRIEND ME (MEVELOFF) or shoot me a msg!
Hi Everbody, I will Be doing The Hard Raid On Monday Mountain Time Ut at around 5:00. I am a Lvl 29 Hunter With Gunslinger and Bladedancer Maxed. Shadow Price Maxed Icebreaker. And Swarm I have Alpha Lupi and maxed raid gear exept helmet. Please i have Been Grinding For Months and would Trully Appreciate It if Some Lvl 30's and 29's could Help Me with The Raif on Hard Please Send me a msg or reply with Your Gt if You would like to join
Edited by Malfeasance Go Brrrt: 12/7/2014 12:39:29 AMRaid lvl 30 Gt stussy89gt Hunter lvl 29 Mic yes 5 spots open lookin for atleast 4 30s. I have templar check point just need to finish from there
Doing Hard Raid from Atheon message Gt: Highxr or Gt: Ghosttoast2341 for a spot in hard raid 3 spots open
gamertag:Hollow PhantomZ lvl 29 warlock
Edited by Spore: 12/6/2014 5:25:48 PMHard gatekeeper Lvl:29+ Yes
Easy Epiclord239 No
Erockthehumon Titan 29 Mic please Lol 30 raid
Lvl 29 hunter looking for a hard raid message me or invite me at this GT
Looking for two people to do raid on normal
Raid level- very good in all spots and great with relics. Know all roles very mythodical player. Level 30 warlock/titan Dont need anything have it all from raid. Just like playing them. Weapons maxed crap loads of ammo Gjallahorn and ice breaker and all raid weapons except the pulse which ive given up on for obviouse reasons. i have a mic and aint affraid to use it. Gamer tag : bladen2011
3 lvl 30's one 29 looking for two more for a hard raid at the templar MSG: NBA THE BEAVMAN
Hard. xxbigpapa79xx Atheon. Lvl 30's
Lvl.30 Hunter x360 CP at Gatekeeper on Hard. Msg me only for invite .
Raid level pro Same gamer tag Experienced players only Add for raids only
Lvl 29 warlock LF hard or normal VoG Or Lvl 30 Hunter LF hard VoG only Message on 360 if u r doing them Gt: SlapShot2199
Normal raid I am level 27 with a titan an warlock and yes I have a mic
Need 1 for atheon cp on hard sgtauvil79 lvl 29 titian
Raid normal GT: blazin slipknot Message me
raid on normal then hard message me @ itevey
Looking for normal raid all my characters are 29 my gamertag is same name
Looking for a team hard raid fresh I'm lvl 30 titan
Looking for level 30s at the Templar 4 spots open