Need two for Atheon lvl 30
Looking for a team to do the raid n normal I'm a Lvl 29 gunslinger hunter
Looking for a team to do a hard raid I'm a lvl 30 titan with maxed out oracle damage And a maxed out Truth Looking for high 29's and above
Hard raid need people 29+ and must have a mic
Fresh raid ready to strt need 4 more reg i got lvl 30 and 29 normal need now
Need reg 360 raid/weekly/nightfall team from beginning
looking for ppl to do fresh normal VoG. Raid Level -26 Gamertag -username Class/Level -hunter 28 Mic (y/n) -yes Spots Available -5
LFG for hard vog Lvl 28 hunt 360 Gt same as name
Need 5 level 30 to complete the VoG i have an Atheon cp Lvl- 30 titan Mic-yes I want to do it before it refreshes tomorrow Message me Gt- Azusa Tactix
Starting Fresh Raid. Im a lvl.30 Hunter with experience and Mic. Then Hard raid afterwards. Looking for 27+ leaving my fireteam open so yall can join.
Spetnaz9542 Warlock 28 Mic yes Vog Also playing with dudl3yDawsOn Hunter 27 Mic yes Vog
NEED ATHEON CHECKPOINT! I am a level 30 hunter and have not beaten Atheon this week. Normal or hard will suffice, shoot me a message of I can join!
Lm laxer 29 HUNTER Mic need 2 more
Raid level: Normal GT: SoftZeus829922 29 hunter Mic: Yes Inv me
GT:Microspartan239 Class:Warlock Level:27 Mic:yes
I have a level 30 raid with a checkpoint to the portals to grab the relic. Message me for an invite and MUST be a Level 30 i dont want to struggle in the VoG. Gt-Azusa Tactix
Looking for hard raid Atheon or Gatekeeper checkpoint! I am a level 29 hunter! Send me a message and I'll give you my gamertag to invite me! I have a mic!
gt master karam class titan level 26-27 i need a team for the VOG on normal
need raid team gt same as name on hard atheon cp need 5 message me for inv
Edited by Silex Red: 11/23/2014 3:04:28 PMGt: silex red Class: titan Lvl: 30 Mic: yes Fully upgraded gjallarhorn! Looking for atheon hard mode, have hard gatekeeper save
GT FEDDEZS Class hunter Lv 29 Mic no
GT: fredrizor Class: warlock Lvl: 27 Mic: yes Got maxed out Guns and done the raid before and knows how all the mechanics works!
Gt: SlapShot2199 Lvl 28 warlock Lf fresh normal raid Message on 360
Lf VOG raid gt: cbgxstickyricky lvl 28
Looking for raid squad Lvl:29 Hunter GT:propelledzero56
Lvl 28 hunter looking to join a raid gt get imported