Level 29 Titan looking to get through the raid at least once. Never gotten past Aetheon.... Looking to try tonight around 8 eastern. Normal would probably be best for me. To get the hang of it. Mic (Be warned, I am a stutterer. Patience would be appreciated.) Willing to follow direction. As long as you know what you're doing. GT ram1mi Might have a level 28 Warlock tagging along.
30/29/26 itevey titan/hunter
Locking for 3 players for the raid to morrow so if you Want to join add me on xbox ........ps. if you have a mic use it plese Raid Level - lvl26 fresh start Gamertag - Lampstern Class/Level - warlock lvl 28 Mic (y/n) - yes Spots Available -3
Gamertag - MrHydeToYou Class/Level - 28/Sunsinger Mic (y/n) -Yes
Need two more level thirties to do the raid from the start. Name same as display.
VoG fresh start Lvl 28 titan With mic
Need 2 more for hard Confluxes. MSG for invite.
RAID lvl 30 Atheon check point Hunter lvl 29 4 vacances
Edited by Someone: 11/14/2014 12:03:23 AMHard mode conflux check point Lvl30 hunter Gt-S0meOne12 5spots avalible Mic yes Currently on if you want in send me an invite
Need 4 more people VoG normal fresh start experienced players only message on Xbox gt same as name
nV BLAZED Warlock/Sunsinger fully upgraded/29 Yes
Normal VOG Lvl 27 Hunter No Mic GT: FrazzBBT Spots:5 (Doing tomorrow)
Looking to join normal raid on 360! 27 warlock Mic Experienced Gt Dixiefatboy
Raid Level - normal Gamertag - gnomlet Class/Level - 28 lock Mic (y/n) - required Spots Available -4 4pm eastern or later if servers still down. 27+ with mic and experience is preferred.
Looking to join a raid team or for atheon checkpoint on normal. Lvl 28 titan. Gt BACON10123 so add me!
Need two more for hard raid. Preferably 30 but will consider 29.
Hard mode raid Lv30 hunter Xbox 360 Mic yes Five spots avalible Gamer tag is S0meOne12
Level 28 titan with Mic looking to do normal raid experienced
I going to do some raids on suterday so if you will join add me on xbox ps all neds to have mic Raid Level - 26 VoG no cp Gamertag - Lampstern Class/Level - warlock lvl 28 Mic (y/n) - yes Spots Available -3
Edited by Veneous: 11/13/2014 12:32:34 AMMic-yes Lvl 28 Titan Gt:Graph Elite 2 spots left Normal raid
Willing to start a normal raid. Message me if you're interested. Ganertag: LIL SPAZ Class: Titan, 29 Mic: Obviously Five slots available/ fresh start
Looking to do the weekly strike on 26 message me
I hve a co to atheon on normal message me for an invite i have five slots left Plz be 27+ and experienced Level-29 titan Gt- Azusa Tactix
Looking for someone to give me a checkpoint on Atheon ( normal or hard) hard preferred. Lvl 27 warlock
Mic yes Level 28 hunter 5 spots open Gt Sandman11115 Normal raid.
Hey, I have atheon CHECKPOINT on my LVL30 titan + mic. Want to do raid on HARD a LOT (on 3 characters each week) My characters: -TITAN 30 - WARLOCK 29 - HUNTER 29 ONLY LVL 29+ and if you know what to do in the raid. ADD ME, if you need one more person for atheon right now, add me!!! => GT Santymat91 Lets try today :) Greets Santy