VoG raid normal Gatekeeper checkpoint message me for invite GT same as above
Gt: SlapShot2199 2 lvl 31 hunters Doing hard mode atheon CP message if interested
Need 2 more for fresh normal (26) VoG, Hunter 28 w mic leading. My gamertag is Ryeval, please send message for invite. 27+ please
Raid - Vault Of Glass. Raid Level - Level 30. Raid Checkpoint - Oracles Gamertag - xTR0LLxUNICORNx (Zero in Troll.) Class/Level - Titan, 31, Defender with WOL. Mic (y/n) - Yes. Spots Available - 2-3.
Looking for a team to help me with VoG on normal. I'm a level 27 warlock that can double as a sunsinger/voidwalker. Mic strongly needed.
Loking for crotas end -Xbox 360 -have mic -lvl 31 hunter -gt same name -Plizzzzzz inv me
Me and my girlfriend have an Aetheon checkpoint on normal, 28+ please must be experienced I'm a 30 warlock with ice breaker
2 ppl one lvl 28 and one lvl 27 looking for vog raid tonight gt same as name send me message
Raid - Vault Of Glass Raid Level - 26 Gamertag - TonelessMilk576 Class/Level - hunter/28 Mic (y/n) - yes and is needed Spots Available - 5
Me and my gf both lvl 26 can use 4 for to run voc on normal asap gt Yimmyvondouch3
Vog Normal Mic needed 4 players needed
Two looking for vog on norm for our first time lvl 27 and 26 gt same as name be up all night message me
•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°• [Xbox 360] Level 30 warlock with tons of different maxed raid weapons & new DLC weapons. Looking for people to add to my friends list that raid weekly, are mature, and know how to play. Check my stats in profile. Message me on here and ill request you or request me Gamertag = Stak One x 215 •°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•
Edited by McCoy: 12/16/2014 7:58:21 AMVault of glass Hard Xx2Bark McCoyXx Lvl 30 Hunter Mic yes 4 spots available (At weekly reset)
Crota Spetnaz9542 Warlock 29 Mic yes Invite me on Xbox
Edited by A Wind Dragon: 12/15/2014 9:30:34 PMVault of Glass fresh start Hard WlND DRAGON (the I in gt is a lowercase L) Hunter 30 mic I would prefer that you would have one 5 open lvl 30+ only send me a message over xbox live to join
Edited by dFmknz: 12/15/2014 5:25:52 AMRAID: Crota Gt: dFmknz Mic if you can Anyone that can help Spots available: 4
VoG: 30 Str8KillinyA22 Warlock:30 Mic:yes Spots available: 5
I have a hard atheon save message melo callouts xbox360
Looking for a raid team to do VoG on hard Lvl 30 hunter
Need 2 for Crota sgtauvil79 30+
Looking for Crota CP or fresh Lvl 30 hunter on 360 Maxed mythoclast and halfway max Truth GT: UnfixedArm Send msg. Or prty invite NO GAME INVITES OR I WILL NOT JOIN YOU
Join me fireteem public
Need 2 brave Guardians to join me in The Dark Below raid. (Mic needed) (lvl 30+)
Edited by SMuRF KinG: 12/9/2014 4:12:03 AMNormal raid almost done would prefer mics just have to beat big guy first raid I have done would like help need 4 people thanks for 360