Hey. I'm looking to become a Clanmate and bear the clan tag. I am very experienced in all raids, though my stats do not show it. I started Destiny on PS3 with a different account so most of my raid completions are there. The psn for my ps3 account is Andrw58190. My current psn is ultra_violet565. I'm looking for an active clan that always has people online to group with.
Psn DeathSlayer3812 All 3 characters 2 are 40 will have 3rd at 40 by the end of the week Have over 100 raid completions with all raids combined
xCapsHockeyx i help people get their flawless raider trophy if they don't have it.
My psn name is xL3B5T3Rx
..been with this clan since VOG, but i cant get ya on group posts.. ..how do i find you?..