originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Add TheGoldenTurnip, experienced (ish) lvl 29 hunter, looking for 5 people to help with hard raid, just entering glass throne, will be doing he raid asap, but will need all 5 players, thanks!
Nasty_nate7 level 29 warlock.
Add me on psn I'm ready for it. Level 29 hunter.
Gonna try again at atheon tonight, at the moment, we have a Lvl 29 hunter, and other Lvl 29 guardians, but we would love to have a Lvl 30 or two Lvl 30, if I attempt earlier, I will bring everyone interested into the lobby, please add TheGoldenTurnip, and I will accept you and invite you, thanks! (Warlocks wanted)
If you need pls invite - lv 29 warlock - psn durkos
If you need pls invite - lv 29 warlock - psn durkos
If you need pls invite - lv 29 warlock - psn durkos
If you need pls invite - lv 29 warlock - psn durkos
Psn crack20cent Cp Atheon
Lvl 29 Titan Psn : jeff_83 Atheon checkpoint
Right, doing some farming for helium, then gonna finish the hard raid, will add everyone who has commented, but looking for one level 30, if anyone is up for it??
Pasteypete 29 titan