originally posted in:XboxOne Raids
I work away during the week which means I miss the resetting of the destiny week. So all my friends have completed the raids and weeklies by the weekend (when I'm home). Would love if either there was someone else in the same situation or some real helpful guardians that can help me complete the things I'm missing out on. Message me on xbox 1. RJ Hobday. I'm usually on Friday afternoon - late evening/early morning. Or Saturday at any time in the day. Advanced thank you to the helpful guardians out there!
Add me too at DrStonyFeelGood
[quote]I work away during the week which means I miss the resetting of the destiny week. So all my friends have completed the raids and weeklies by the weekend (when I'm home). Would love if either there was someone else in the same situation or some real helpful guardians that can help me complete the things I'm missing out on. Message me on xbox 1. RJ Hobday. I'm usually on Friday afternoon - late evening/early morning. Or Saturday at any time in the day. Advanced thank you to the helpful guardians out there![/quote] Add me gt redarmy187 always looking to team up.
Nice one. I'll add interested people for a weekend raid an nightfall session when I'm next on 👌
GT: OGx TrapLord
Me 2 im at school haven't done any raids or nightfall or weekly Gt: I tylerman xx