originally posted in:XboxOne Raids
We are the few who have the worst luck in destiny. The ones who watch their friends get ice breakers and no land beyonds in the nightfall while we walk off with out 4 notes of light. Yet we forge on and hold out hope that continually gets shot down, waiting for the day we can actually get an exotic drop and not have to buy them from Xur. Join us as we tackle the weekly nightfall and normal weekly strike, The raids of destiny, the (shiver)crucible(shiver), and the general fun of the game. Open to all on Xbox One. Join NOW!
This will be our first raid. And what better way to do it than to run the very first raid. Vog on normal. So all members, either hook up with clan mates tomorrow or your own friends and run this raid to celebrate the launch of this clan. Tell your friends to join in on the fun. Let's flood the destiny servers with our whole army of Beggars. (WHO KNOWS? U might get an exotic......)