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XboxOne Raids

"It's Time To Team Up"

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  • Mission Statement

    XboxOne Raids is the #1 Clan for Xbox One users to find a fireteam. With over 38,000 members, it will not be difficult to find the perfect team that suits you, whether your interest is in Vault of Glass, Crota's End, Prison of Elders, or King's Fall, wrath of the machine or even trials of osiris. We look forward to teaming up with you all each week! if you ever need help or tips on any of the raids be sure to message one of are admins "Good Luck Guardians"

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    38677 Members
    Total number of users that have joined this group
    10 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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originally posted in:XboxOne Raids
5/8/2015 8:54:34 AM

The Tower Legion - Open Enrollment

The Tower Legion has opened recruiting leading up to the House of Wolves. Existing members will all be raised to officer level. Our clan started with a simple goal: a bunch of newbies raiding for our first time, and looking for allies who were in the same boat in order to learn together and assist each other in future raids. The spirit of the clan keeps on; while we have all collected (for most of us) every weapon and piece of armor we ever wanted, we've dominated our fair share of PVP matches, and have beaten Crota and Atheon until they've become routine, we've not become the elitist gamers many clan founders have become, and even actively seek out new players to teach and power-level their way to glory. And we do it laughing all the way. So, whether you've mastered combat against the forces of darkness or you've only recently been resurrected to fight for the light, you are welcome. We do not except elitists who shun lower levels, and absolutely no drama is accepted. We're here to have fun, and kick a little ass in the process. We want to make sure everyone has all the gear and knowledge they can by the time the House of Wolves drops, and that we all have a raiding team ready to go comprising of friends we know and trust. Never picked up a fusion rifle before? We'll teach you the ropes and get you to max level in no time. Veteran Crota slayer? Come join us, and never have to lfg a raid again. Looking for a PVP group who actually watches your back and doesn't rage quit after the slightest setback? The tower's standing army is waiting for you. Join The Tower Legion, enrollment is open, no invitations required. If you are not quite familiar with the clan system, and need a little help signing up, you can message me here in the Destiny forums, or you can send me a message/party request on Live (Gamer Tag: Tripping Moose), and I'll be happy to help with any questions. If I'm not online at the moment, our clan boasts members from several countries (and hence time zones), and someone should be available to help right away. See you on the battlefield, guardian! -Tripping Moose, founder: The Tower Legion

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