NEW GROUP CALLED: Giving A Helping Hand This is for The taken King and Xbox One! Please join and help out! Everyone in the group has already beaten Kings Fall! We will all help all who join! We all have microphones!
34 warlock
xDsQx FuSioNz
[quote]Starting vault of glass 9pm leave gamer tags no mic needed[/quote] We have 4 if u still nees
Mw1019, 31 titan, have mic
Chrome scopes88
[quote]Starting vault of glass 9pm leave gamer tags no mic needed[/quote] I am lvl 29 with ice breaker full legendary armor plus knucklehead radar and I have atheons epilogue.i also have a mic.
Am lev 28 warlock and would like to go on a raid
EnvyBacon lvl 24 warlock void fully upgraded. Have mic. English
Edited by Jarrett: 3/11/2015 12:24:50 AMLooking to raid lvl 26 hunter gt halston2015
Gamer tag Xx codlaxbro xX hunter lvl 26
Edited by wajdzik81 PL: 2/13/2015 6:53:43 PMIm (warlock lvl 29) and my friend (Titan lvl 28) happy to done raid tonight at 22.00 both from Poland i speak English but my friend no please add wajdzik81PL
[quote]Starting vault of glass 9pm leave gamer tags no mic needed[/quote] Lvl 28 warlock gt IllusionzG3ming
Hey I need help leveling my guy up can anyone add me and help me kick some ass so I can raid tonight please and thank you.
You guys realize that this is from 10/28 right? Like 3 weeks ago
I lol 29 Titan, I need to raid now
LVL 28 warlock
Anyone still want to play join me.
I'm in lv 29 warlock
I'm down..lvl 25 Titan
Add me for a game.. Level 28 warlock
Am up for it lvl 28 titan
Lvl27 hunter peteshell