originally posted in:XboxOne Raids
Looking for 4-5 for normal VoG. First timer 26 Titan here, though I've heavily researched the strategy. Possibly a 29 warlock with tons of experience. Shooting for 9-10pm EST. Reply here or send a message to i M4yh3M I on xbone.
28 hunter here
Level 27 hunter. Done the raid once but group left before atheon
27 hunter TheSchmidty24
Don't suppose I could tag along? Lol. Only lol 24 though :/
Lvl29 Sunsinger very experienced gt same as name
I'm half way to lvl 26 warlock w self revive ability and light beyond nemesis helmet. Have tried the last stage of vog many times. Know what's what
Inv me lvl 29 gt is Its AxioS
I'm down level 28 hunter done it six times