originally posted in:XboxOne Raids
We only need three for a lvl 26 run. Post here with gamertag for invite.
31 warlock clownbeatdown
Lvl 31 hunter . GT POPS0915
Hobbs519 my friend can join in too please invite
Lv 30 warlock GT: Creamybutter280 send invite... I'll be waiting in tower
Send invite to Brydodge I'm game level 27 titan
ls7 Chris ls7 looking to do vog raid
Ray Syst 469
Level 28 Warlock, LittletigerLu. ill be online in 2 hours
Will be on later I want to do vog aswell and have 2 friends who need to do it add me kingcox87, dogstar washer and R34P32008