DoD Guardians of Aus
"We are the Vanguard...the ones who lead the way."
originally posted in:DoD Guardians of Aus
Hey Guys - great to see the clan numbers really building we are nearly at 60!
Welcome to all the new guys from the past couple of months - hope to join you on a mission soon.
I just wanted to put out there some basic guidelines for joining raid teams.
Most of the guys will always welcome and embrace new players etc so if you are in the tower or orbit and see a raid team etc that has an open space or two - rather than just join them and think they need help - first send a couple of the guys a message asking if they need help - or if you can join them...And give them an idea of your Raid experience: Newbie; Done a few stages; Can kick Crota's butt!
Some of the more experienced guys are now completing Crota with 3 players - we even have a friend of the team akachief08 who has soloed Crota (Warlock Sunsinger) - see his clip on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGtDB1OjBwE
The main reason to ask first is that occasionally extra players especially if they haven't done the raid before - make it much harder to complete - and this can be frustrating for both parties.
If you are keen to raid - and are new to it all - just put out a message saying that you want some more experienced players to take you on a raid and show you the ropes - and I am sure you will get a run through quickly enough. Many guardians have 2 or 3 characters and run multiple raids per week. Hope this helps in your enjoyment of the game - it is much more fun playing together - though I challenge you to try Crota solo - akachief!!