Edited by williamquan: 3/10/2015 8:06:32 PMSince the crucible has much more dynamic gameplay than grinding out stories it is my favourite part of the game and it actually has matchmaking from the outset;-) Lacking the reflexes, maybe you should adopt a more camping and sniper rifle play-style, wait for team mates to do some damage on opponents then kill-steal, also for sniping good positioning is important, camp on the flags in control where you expect people to be and also if possible camp the corridors as there are little chances of missing someone moving in a tight spot, also I see the vast majority of people using shotguns and they are easy kills. So maybe give sniping a try, I find it most effective on shores of time (venus), blind watch (mars) and exodus blue (earth). I play on P.S.4 however but if you ever get one later add me (williamquan) and I will play with you (I may steal some of your kills too;-))