originally posted in:Dark Ishtar Nation
Interested in doing either Hard VoG or Normal CE? Leave a reply with the the list down below and I'll get you in!
[b]When you're available[/b]
[b]What raids you'd like to be in[/b]
[b]Your Xbox gamertag[/b]
[u]Hard VoG 1[/u] - Monday 5pm PST
(Preferably level 30's and up)
1. Overly Hyped
2. AndyG21
3. Rogue Santa
4. Zebra Lips
5. Ludacris69
6. couchrac3r
Reserves: KYBRACO
[u]Hard VoG 2[/u] - Monday 7pm PST
1. AndyG21
[u]Crotas End Normal 1[/u] - Monday - 5pm PST
1. BeatenPrune6366
[u]Crotas End Normal 2[/u] - Monday 7pm PST
Wasn't near enough people for the VoG 2 I assume? Lol
I'm available Friday at 6pm again!
I can fill in if needed
I'm down for hard VoG 2, already done Crota but I'll join in if there's an empty spot that you need someone in
Ill fill the last spot for vog hard at 5
do we have a 6th yet for VoG
I'll do hard vog today if my internet isn't ass
I can definitely do the VoG hard @ 5 PST. Can maybe do the second VoG hard depending on the time
I can do normal Crota tomorrow and Tuesday
What time are you running crota tomorrow?
What time for both bc I'll want to do Crota with my lvl 28 Titan if that's possible
Have we got a time for crota later?
There gonna be a crota run later or not?
Croats end pls gt above
Sorry mate 2 pm will be a bit early for me, but I can make the crota run at 5 I think
Definitely down for a Hard VoG for that tiny chance of getting a Mytho, or any exotic that isn't No Land Beyond
I can run hard vog tomorrow
Sorry I totally blanked on today boss man! Depending on times tomorrow I'm down for Sunday. My patriots play so I'll be watching that
Down for CE normal. And VOG on Sunday too. You know my times tony 👍
Edited by PurchasedQuill: 1/31/2015 8:14:16 PMI'm up for vog hard on Sunday if there is one late on gmt time 31 titan