originally posted in:The 30s of Destiny
Attention Guardians, this clan has been growing at a fast rate! This is a good thing, but it is difficult to so by myself and I need help. This is you chance to contribute more to this clan. Post you name/gt, console and experience (if any) with clan work.
Sincerely, Four Pixelz
Lvl 30 : hunter, warlock, Titan. Check my profile. Would love to help out anyone with the raid... I have all raid gear and maxed weapons. Add me on psn : Kkaasshh
Natogu Lvl 30 warlock on ps4 No destiny clan experience but have clan Experience from battlefield, assassins creed, Grand theft auto, Cod and a few other games good at crucible and constantly help people get through the raid and nightfall
Im A Level 30 Titan Working On My Other Characters, Very Good And Experienced Raider, Okay In The Crucible, And Would Like To Be An Admin
Edited by CharSOC: 11/19/2014 9:55:50 AMCan I get an invite to the clan? Primary character is a level 30 hunter gt is liquid reza and with my previous clan our fastest completion time for the raid was 44 minutes with a 5 minute break, I'm on Xbox one
GT T4Tyler Xbone Lv 30 Titan Lv 29 hunter Lv 29 warlock Experienced in hard raid and normal. Also decent in crucible.