Looking for oracle checkpoint on hard
Warlock lvl 25 expernced with lvl 30 hunter but need to do on other characters I will use guns from my lvl 30 Gt: TheGameloft I have mic
Looking for 3 people any class any lvl to run vog from the start on normal. Probably tonight, as soon as there are enough people
Lv 27 Titan Gamer tag KingNicho16 Raid on normal Yes I have a mic Need 5 ppl
. Raid Level - Normal Gamertag - Tres Banditos Class/Level - Maxed Voidwalker LVL 27 Mic (y/n) - Yes Spots Available - 5
rajam83 warlock 26 no mic
Need 2 for vog normal on xbox one add me SergeantMajor24
Looking to do a normal raid Mic - Yes Hunter Lvl 26, max golden gun All exotic and legendary gear, except helmet I will join anyone, desperate for a raid, Gt - Exoliten
Edited by l Protege l: 12/1/2014 12:11:21 AMVog normal Xbox one Mic yes Gamer tag irandomiL Need 3
Vog hard Xbox 1 Brandinid4genei - gt Need 4
VOG CP atheon. LVL 28 Titan. Need 5. GT Ninja Zombie16. *mic* yes
Hey how's everyone I'm trying to put a team together and we are short 2- people on Xbox one at 11est tonight
Lookin to start new raid at reset tonight 1am pacific on one
Level 28 higher normal raid xb1 u don't need mic
Whitew4ll 27lock Y
Warlock 27 Y
GT: TheGameloft Looking to do fresh normal lvl 25 warlock I have done the raid 8 times on my lvl 30 tho
Lvl 29 Titan Experienced looking for Hard Raid freshy pls (mic yes done hard plenty of times) GT: Roll A Ting
Need two people for Raid right now People experienced with relic at Templar CP
Titan 27 Mic y Exp no Just want some raid gear
Looking for people to do the hard raid lv29 hunter need 5 people
Lvl 29 Titan Experienced looking for Hard Raid freshy pls (mic yes done hard plenty of times) GT: Roll A Ting
Edited by His Dudeness44: 12/2/2014 1:31:55 AMRaid Level - hard aetheon checkpoint 12/1/14 Asap Gamertag - marino44 (xboxone) Class/Level - hunter Mic (y/n) - yes Spots Available - 3 level 30s only [b]The person posting will be the Raid Leader.[/b] 3 lvl 29s with maxed out raid weapons and raid experience If you wish to join the raid please reply to their post, not the main thread. Gamertag - Class/Level - Mic (y/n) - [b]The OP will post when the lobby is full.[/b][/quote]
Raid on normal tonight at 8ish I'm a Titan lv29 Done it a couple of times looking for as many people as poss have 1 or 2 already....